Chapter 7

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Me and Harry held hands as we walked out of the room, we had talked everything through and we were now boyfriends. That may be weird as we only met eachother like one week ago, but to be truly honest I've never felt this way before.

I can't put my finger on it but Harry makes me feel something that I've never felt before, it's salty but it's true, and I am at the moment trying to be as true as I can to myself.

As we walked down the hallway we were met by the three other boys, they looked concerned but as soon as they saw us holding hands every single one of them got a bright smile on their faces.

- Solved it? Liam said

- Boyfriends. Harry said happily

- Oh, congrats to you two then!

- You two look so cute together!
Niall said and looked like he was going to explode or cry any time soon of happiness. What was wrong with him?

Then, the management showed up again. Of course, when everything was finally solved between me and Harry and the other lads accepted and were happy for us. 

Harrys smile disappeared when he saw them and then looked over at me with a sad expression.

- I'll take care of this Haz. I said and smiled at him

I waited for them to come over to us, I guessed they were going to yell at us again but this time, I'll be the one to yell first.

- Are you deaf? You two can't fucking hold ha-.  They started

- Excuse me? I said before they had even got to finish their sentence
- I will not fucking accept the way you talk to us. If I'm gay, what the fuck is the problem? If me and Harry are a couple, then what the fuck is the problem? Do you understand that we don't care what people say when we're together? That's not what matters, what matte-

- Young man, being gay is very wrong and you know that. Why do you think god placed Adam and Eve on this earth, man and woman? What do you think is the reason that two people of the same gender can't produce children?

I was speechless, not only had he fucking interrupted me, he talked shit and he had hurt not only mine, but Harrys feelings.

I was just about to yell at him and tell him to fuck off when Liam suddenly stepped forward and opened his mouth.

- How can you talk to them like that? Like, how fucking coldhearted are you when you talk to a 18 years old boy and his 16 years boyfriend like that?

- Liam, do not try to be the hero here. This is between us and this two and we are not going to discuss this further. If any of you tries to argue with us we will kick you out of the band.

- What, you can't do that?! Niall yelled

- Try me! Also, if you two continue with this gay shit we'll have to kick you out aswell.
He said and looked at me and Harry, then he just walked off.

I think all of us were speechless, no one said anything. But then I heard small sniffs, I looked at Harry who stood next to me. He was crying again.

I hugged him, I couldn't do anything more than that. The management were obviously very serious about this and they were even ready to kick us out of the band, I don't want to take  that risk.

- Harry, baby. Everything will be okay. Okay?

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, my poor heart can't take that. How could someone hurt him like this an feel no regrets?

- Louis. It wont. He said between the sniffs
- Don't you understand that, that, they will kick us out. We can't be together Louis.

- Yes we can! Why would you say that Harry? We can, we can do something! I said and I couldn't hold it back any longer, I felt the tears stream down my cheek. Harry hugged me tighter.

- Lads, this is just sick. Wait I have an idea! Talk to Simon about it, I'm sure he wouldn't let them treat you like this. Liam said and smiled at us

That's true, that's exactly what we are going to do!

- Harry come on, we'll go and talk to Simon right now. I said and kissed him on his forehead.

- Okay...  Harry answered with a low voice.

- See, everything will be okay! Niall said and hugged us. He's very cute to be honest, not like oh my god he's so cute that I'd fall in love with him, but more like, he was so innocent and cute.

However, I'm not going to stand here and think about Niall. That's just plain weird, especially since I now got a boyfriend.


We knocked on the door that lead into Simons room. Then, it opened and there stood the judge himself.

- Hello boys, what do you want? He said and had this wondering look on his face.

- Uhm, we wanted to talk with you about something.

- Spell it out for me then.

- We kind of, uhm. You see, me and Harry we are... uhm.

- We're together, boyfriends. Harry broke off with

I expected to see a surprised look on Simons face. But I didn't. Actually he didn't look surprised at all, almost as he expected us to say just that.

- I see. You should come in! He just said and told us to sit down infront of his desk.
We all were quiet until Simon finally started talking.

- So, this whole X-factor thing and the band means a lot to you, right?

- Yes. We both said at the same time, aww.

- I just want to tell you why a relationship wouldn't be fitting at the moment-

- But Simon we-

- Please let me speak Louis. A relationship, especially of this kind, homosexual. It will draw a lot of attention to you two, and by that I mean the bad kind of attention. People are more judging than you believe, and thanks to that you will probably not make it through X-factor if you'd come out as a couple. Okay?

- But Simon I'm sure there's another way! I said frustated

- Louis, and Harry. You two will have to stop this! I've watched the interview you just did and you are looking and touching eachother way too much. If anyone ever ask you guys about your relationship with the other you must say that you're just good friends. You would never risk anything for the band, right?

- Yeah. Harry gave in

- Off you go. And remember what I said, stop what you're doing, break up for everyones best.

Harry didn't even cry, how could he just accept this? And how the fuck could Simon tell us to do such things, I thought he were better than this.

Harry stood up from his chair and just walked away, I followed after an hoped that we would still be able to solve this somehow.

- Harry we can-

- No Louis, we can't. Didn't you hear what Simon just said? Just, just give up. I'm sure that you don't like me that much anyways, okay? I'm going home now. Bye.

Harry didn't mean that, he just couldn't have meant that. There had to be some way, somehow we would solve this. I- I know there's a way!

* Okay so Harry didn't cry from what Simon said, but I did lol. Seriously I had tears in my eyes while writing that part, what a sensitive little ant I am. However, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
All the love ♡ *

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