Chapter 18

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The interview was pretty boring, as usually. Or not that the interviews are boring it's just me who is over energic. The woman interviewing us spoke spanish or whatever language it was so I understood nothing when she talked to the camera or to her coworkers.

I looked around to see if I could see anything interesting. Looking over to my left was more than interesting, probably because Harry was sitting there. I noticed looking over to my right was also pretty interesting, there was a plant thing right next to me that had a pretty good size to get jerked off.
Harry was looking over at me, as usual he couldn't keep his eyes from me. That's when I decided it would be a perfect moment to tease my boyfriend who had been horny for the past 2 years. Oops?

I gripped the plant in my hand and started to drag my fingers across it, Harry changed uncomfortable in his chair as he watched me.
After some small strokes over the plant I started to actually jerk it off. Harry quickly looked away, I could see the uncomfortable moves he did and how flushed he was. I knew he would whine at me after the interview and tell me that I "can't do that during an interview".

20 minutes later and the interview was over, all the other four boys was still in the room talking to eachother. Or well, Harry wasn't talking to anyone, he was basically giving me the deathglare because I had made him turned on during an interview, which I had seen that he had tried to hide.
Our management and the woman who interviewed us had left so it was only me, Harry and the other boys in the room.

- Are you just going to sit there and stare at eachother? Liam asked up

Zayn said something that I couldn't quite hear but I believe I heard something like "Let them be, continue talking to me instead, at least I listen"
So Zayn had a thing for Liam and I am really surprised no one has noticed, to be honest it has seemed like he have had a thing for him since the day the band got put together but it's the last couple months that I've really noticed.
I actually asked Zayn once:

"- You are so gay Louis I don't get it how people doesn't notice! Zayn said

- Like you then. I said and shrugged

- What the fuck is that supposed to mean man?

- That you're pretty gay? I said not making a big deal out of it

- I'm not gay though Louis..

- But you like Liam don't to?

- Where the heck did you get that from man? What did Harry tell you?

- Oh Harry hasn't told me anything?  Afraid that he would tell me anything huh?

- N- no I didn't mean it like that

- Okay anyways, you do fond quite a lot over Liam. You can't deny that Zayn

- Okay but like, I fond over Niall too.

- So you're into threesome's huh? You kink-

- Shut the fuck up! I meant like- like, well okay I may fond a little extra over him but it's like. You knooow, he do got beautiful eyes man.

- Liam has beautiful eyes? Bro you seem to be even deeper into that fucker than I thought

- Wish I was deeper in lol

- Okay great man, now that's a picture I don't want in my head.

- What? Zayn asked confused

- You know what I mean, I don't want to say it. Euw.

- Wait, hold on. I thought-... well fuck I didn't mean to say it out loud.

I can't think straight anymore | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now