Chapter 6

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When the interview was over and the woman had left our new management came in to the room.

- So, we need to talk about you guys about a few things.
They looked at me and Harry, what had we done?

The other boys looked questioning at us as they had to leave the room.

- We are going to tell you guys just how it is. We can see that you two have already gotten a special bond.

- So what? I said and raised my eyesbrowes, it's not like we were dating or anything.

- So, we need you to stop with these loving looks and touches. Also you can't sit together anymore.

- Are you kidding me? Harry said, he sounded pissed off, that was new.

- No we are fully serious. We do not want people to think that you are gay or that you're anything more than friends. Period

- But what if I am gay? What if we wanted to be more than friends? What if -

- End of conversation! They yelled at him and turned away to walk out of the room

What the fuck was wrong with them? Not because we were anything more than friends, and it's not like I'm gay, but that should not be acceptable, they shouldn't care if someone's gay, the thing they should care about is basically our music and shit.
I felt so angry, I was about to get up from my chair but then I heard sniffles.

I looked down where Harry still sat, although he's now sitting with his face in his hands and, I think he's crying.
I quickly stood up and sat down in front of him.

- Harry?

He looked up at me and I looked into his eyes. They didn't shine bright like they had earlier and they didn't scream happiness anymore, they seemed to be screaming sadness instead.

What do I say? Do I tell him that they were right, that we should keep it on a low level? Or do I tell him that they were wrong and that I didn't give a fuck about what they said?
I couldn't choose, therefore my stupid brain thought it would be a great idea to kiss him instead, to show that everything will be okay, but like, in a friendly way of course.

Our lips met once again and he literally had the softest lips that I've ever seen or felt.
I could feel his wet cheek against mine, he's still crying...
I broke the kiss for just a little while to look him in the eyes.

- Stop your crying Harold, it will be alright. Okay?

I didn't even let him say anything before I pressed my lips against his again. Then I suddenly heard the door open again and I threw myself away from Harrys face.

- Oh shit we're sorry! They all three said at the same time while they looked at me who just landed on the floor, they must have seen us kissing..

Then they looked over at Harry

- Are you crying Harry? 
Niall said and ran over to him to hug him. Aw that's cute! Although he should probably get off him before I fucking punch him, not that I'm jealous or anything...

- Harry what happened? Liam said as he and Zayn joined Harry at the floor.

I crawled over to Harry again and when he didn't answer the question I just said
- Management

They all looked at me with confusion.
- What did they do? Liam asked curiously

- They yelled at us. Harry said as tears streamed down his face again

- What?! Why? They all said

I looked at Harry who looked over at me. Niall and Liam flickered their eyes between me and Harry and they suddenly had a "Oh.." look at their faces.

- You know, uhm, I don't know what kind of relationship you two have or want to have. But just know that I support you. Liam said with a knowing look at his face

How did he know? Was it that obvious? Wait, I dont even know what was obvious? It's not like me and Harry are together or something.

- Yeah I agree. Niall said

- Me too! Zayn also said

I don't even know what me and Harry are? I mean, I think I like him, I can't deny that. But we've met only 1 week ago and wouldn't it be pretty weird if a straight guy were together with a lad, that doesn't make sense.

- Thank you, could you maybe leave us for a little while? I uhm, wanted to talk about something with Harry.
I just said, I really needed to talk to him.

All three lads nodded and walked out of the door again.
When they had left Harry looked up at me and asked
- Please me honest with me Louis, do you like me?

- Uhm...

I had no idea what to say, to be honest I think I like him, maybe more than a friend. That's weird to think because I'm straight.
Oh shit, maybe I weren't straight? That's just great!

- I'm so sorry Louis, I shouldn't have..
He started to sniff and I noticed that tears started to well up in his eyes.

- No no Harry! I'm just, I like you! It's just so new to me, I've always thought I was straight but now it turns out that I'm maybe not! And you're the first boy that I've been in love with and it's so weird for me.

He stopped crying and looked at me with a surprised face.

- What? I asked

- You, you said you... you said you're in love with me.

Oh fuck me, I didn't realise I had said that.

- Oh, I uhm, I'm sorry Harry I-

- Did you mean it?

Good question curly, did I mean it?

- I, I think I did..

I think I did actually. Why would I have said it if I didn't? I liked Harry, a lot. We've kissed a couple of times and I can't deny that I liked it, or actually I even loved it.
I loved him

- You did?

- Yes Harry, I did!

- Louis I, I'm kind of in love with you too. Harry said and blushed

I suddenly realised that I've been lying to not only other people, but to myself. I'm not straight, not at all, I think.

- Really?

- To be honest, do you even need to ask? I freaking kissed you last night!

I'm so surprised, but at the same time not? It's weird, suddenly I had confessed my feelings that apparently wasn't as platonic as I thought, to a guy. And he even liked me back.

I leaned forward and kissed him, we both liked eachother so why not.
Also, if someone had told me one year ago that I would be in a boyband and was kissing a guy I liked a year from then, I would've laughed my ass off. Because never in a million years, had I believed that that was exactly what was going to happen.

* Well, this was.. something. Okay no but for real, this was a interesting thing to write. You get to hear a lot of Louis inner thoughts, like the part were he realised he had been lying to himself.
What did you think of this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it!
All the love ♡ *

I can't think straight anymore | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now