Chapter 14

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* TRIGGER WARNING! (Suicide) *

* Liams pov *

It's 9pm and I'm starting to get really worried, I've called Louis for over 10 times since he'd left me after I talked to him yesterday but he didn't answer. I really hope he hadn't done anything stupid.
Should I go to his house? He should probably not be alone in a time like this, and I'm not sure but I'm scared that he was fully serious about what he had said yesterday. That he literally wouldn't be able to live without Harry.

I tried calling him one more time, if he doesn't answer then I'll walk over there, or should I call Harry? Maybe that's the wrong time though, should I call Niall or Zayn instead?

I decided to call Niall because well, I believe that he know more about this than Zayn does.
After about 10 minutes he knocked on my door and we started to walk over to Louis together, he needs to know that there's other people than Harry who loves him.

- Do you think uhm, he could've done something, like, something stupid? Niall asked being obviosuly very nervous

- He would nev-

- But are you sure Liam? Do you know how much he loved Harry? I'm just, I'm scared Liam.

- It will be fine, okay? I said trying to calm him down, although I was to be honest very nervous aswell, what if he actually had done something stupid?

After about 15 minutes we arrived outside their home, I walked up and knocked on the door, even after we had been waiting for a minute no one had come to open the door.
The curtains was still in front of the windows, I'm starting to get a really bad feeling in my stomach, almost as if I need to throw up.

- Should we? Niall asked and nodded towards the door

- Open? I asked

- Yeah ..

- I guess.

Niall walked up to the door again and tried to open it, locked.

- You don't have any keys? He asked

- No

- We have to call Harry, I'm really scared Liam. Niall said and he almost started to cry

- Niall, it'll be fine.

- Yeah okay, but uhm, can you call Harry?

- Of course

I feel so bad for the poor boy, he have had to see so much things these past years, for example he have been walking in on Larry having sex, more than once.. 
I dialled Harrys number, he picked up pretty quick.

- Hello?

- Harry, can you please come to yours and Louis house? I quickly asked while trying to sound as calm as possible, I apparently didn't make such a good job though.

- What is happening? Harry said sounding concerned

- Just come over, you need to unlock the door, Louis wont open.

- And why are you at his house?

- He uhm, lets just say we're worried about him, please hurry? I said, I couldn't tell him about my bad feeling and that he had told me that he would kill himself if he didn't have Harry.

After about 5 minutes Harry's car pulled up to the house, he quickly opened the cardoor and stepped outside to run over to me and Niall.

- What the hell is happening?! Harry asked sounding very concered now

I can't think straight anymore | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now