Chapter 10

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Harry walked us over to the sofa and sat down, he looked up at me and petted the sofa as a sign for me to sit down.
The other boys just looked at us with straight faces and raised eyebrows.

- What are you looking at? I didn't know I was that hot! I said and winked at them.

- Keep it down next time will ya? Zayn said and quickly looked away.
Liam started to laugh, as always.

- Hey, we tried! Harry said a bit amused

- Bitch you did not. Zayn said again

- HEY, no one calls Harry bitch! And if you do I'll fuck you up you bitch.
I yelled back at him

- No thanks, it's quite enough just to have heard you fuck someone else up. 

Harry looked at me and smirked
- And he did it good

- Yeah we heard. Liam said and then started to laugh as he realised something.
- And some of us saw.

- Hey it's not our fault that Niall walked in. I said and looked over at Niall who still looked terrified but impressed at the same time.
- I actually thought it was the toilet! Niall said

- Yeah okay, lets not talk about me fucking Harry anymore, okay? I said and smiled at them.

- Euw, if I could remove all this from my memory then I would. Zayn said and looked disgusted.

- Lou maybe we should go home? Harry said and took my hand.

- Mhm.

Both of us stood up at the same time and then said goodbye to the other lads as we walked out of the house.

As soon as we came out on the streets Harry started to laugh.

- What? I asked and tried to be serious, it didn't last long though because Harry is so fucking cute when he's laughing.

- We slept in Zayns bed, left it messy and then left the house. We basically went to Zayns house to have a fuck.

That's true, I feel a little bit bad for Zayn because of the mess in the guestroom. But to be honest at the same time I don't really care, Zayn is Zayn and well, yeah.


After the 20 minutes walk we stood outside Harrys flat again.

- Want to sleep over tonight?

- Yeah sure, but I've got nothing with me.

- Who cares, you can borrow my things if you want to. He said and kissed me

I had literally fucked him one hour ago but I still got so freaking turned on when he kissed me.
I pushed him up so he had his back on his frontdoor as we kissed.

- Mmm Lou. Harry moaned into my mouth. I pressed my leg between Harrys legs and felt his half hard dick, it appeared I wasn't the only one to get slightly turned on by this.

Then out of nowhere someone opened the door and both of us fell into the house, I was suddenly laying on top of Harry in his hallway.

- Hi mom. Harry said under me

- Am I all your parents suddenly? I asked him remembering he had called me dad earlier this evening.
Then I looked up and understood. I quickly stood up and gave Harry a helping hand to get up aswell.

- Hi Anne. I said and smiled at her

- Hello Louis. What a surprise to see you here.

- Uhm yeah, we were just talking and then Harry fell and I kind of tried to save him but I fell aswell and yeah that was quite embarrasing-

I can't think straight anymore | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now