Chapter 13

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(HEY, so I'm wondering if you guys want this fic to end happy or sad? It's still maaaany chapters left but I'm just wondering!)


(One year later, 2012, Louis POV)

- You still haven't ended this shit? We told you the first fucking week! How hard can it be?

Management was still trying to make us break up, to tear us apart. I'm so sick of this shit!

- Well how would you feel if I told you to break up with your wife? I said with an angry tone

- You're just fags, it's not right! When will you learn? You're just confused!

- I'm sorry mister but I think the fuck not? I've been gay since the day I was born. Harry said trying to keep the conversation calm

- It doesn't matter Harry, we've found you a girlfriend and that's it. The man said

- A girlfriend? Excuse me?! I yelled

- Well it's no different from you Louis, you've got Eleanour.

- You've got that wrong, she's my beard. I said and coughed after the word beard.

- Drop that attitude young boy. Taylor will be an excelent girlfriend for your friend Harry.

- Taylor? Like, Swift? Harry said confused

- Yes, Taylor Swift.

This is so fucked up, who do they think they are? Yelling at us because we're gay, and they're supposed to be the grown ups? And now they've even got us beards!?

- You have a date with her tomorrow at 11 am and you'll have to go.
The man from our management said

- What if he doesn't want to? I said and raised my eyebrows at the dickhead in front of me. Sadly it wasn't Harry's dicks head but an actual person that acted like a really fucking dick.

- Then we'll kick both of you out of the band. He said and grinned at us. Pure fucking evil! You'd think he couldn't get any more evil, but then he followed it up with
- And you wouldn't want that, would you Harry?

I saw tears in Harry's eyes, I could see how he was trying to hold them in.
- No..

- Good luck on your date tomorrow Harry! And to both of you; break up! He said and waved at us as he left the room.

- Harry you don't have to..
I said and tried to comfort him as he started to cry.

- It's been 2 years Louis, this relationship has been one of the best but at the same time the worst thing that've happened in my life. I just don't know if-, if we-

- Harry! Stop that!

- But I'm serious Louis, maybe.. maybe I should try it out for real with Taylor?

- Harry don't let them get to you! Don't- don't listen to them! I said and almost started to panic, I can't loose Harry. He's my life, he's literally my everything. I'd be nothing without him.

- I'm so sorry Louis..
He said and ran away through the door.

He left me. He left me standing in the middle of the room. Did we break up? Was he serious?
I sat down on the floor with my head in my hands and cried, I couldn't do anything else. I would've laughed if someone told me years ago that this would happen, that I would have a boyfriend that I couldn't live without.

But here I am, sitting on a cold floor crying my eyes and having a total break down.
In the middle of all crying I got caught up by a knock on the door.

I can't think straight anymore | Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now