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Hermione ran around in a frenzy while Draco casually leaned against the wall. Tobias stood next to him.

"What's mum doing?"


"But she's already done it. She's even vacuumed the carpet twice."

"Tobias, it's far better to let her vacuum it again than try and stop her. Trust me, I've been living with her for the past nine years. Besides, watching is pretty amusing."

Tobias grinned. "But do you know why mum's all about cleaning? It's not spring, is it?"

Draco smiled down at the boy. "No, it's not spring. One of your mum's old friends is coming to visit tomorrow, but you'll be at school."

"Can't I skip? I want to meet mum's friend. All of yours and mum's friends are so fun!"

Draco almost laughed. "Skip school?"

"Tomorrow's Friday, Dad. It'll be like a long weekend!"

"You can't skip school, your mother will kill us both."

Tobias sighed. "Fine."

"Chin up, bud. I'm sure mum's friend will still be here when you get back."

Tobias brightened instantly.


Hermione was thinking about lunch for Tobias when he returned from school when the doorbell rang. She paused in front of the door to brush down the shirt she was wearing before opening the door. Remember, she told herself, no magic. She smiled as Carli as a taxi pulled away.

"Morning, Hermione. I see you're already up. I was afraid I was a bit early."

Hermione smiled as she stepped out of the way to let Carli enter. "No, it's quite all right. I was up rather early so I could get Tobias ready for school."

"How old is he again?"

"He turned ten in January," Hermione said after locking the door and following Carli into the living room. "Tea?"

"Yes, thank you. Ten years old already?"

Hermione smiled at her kettle. "The words he knows make it seem like he's twenty."

Hermione peeked into the living room to find Carli engrossed in the photos on display. Quickly, she pulled out her wand and sped the process up. She returned with two steaming cups. "Those are his best friends," she said, noticing the photo that held the reporter's attention. "Teddy and Bailey. They all seemed to be glued to each other when they're together."

Carli turned and took the cup and saucer from Hermione with a soft thanks. "The blue hair? His parent let him dye it?"

Hermione shrugged. "It's actually just a new sort of temporary dye. It's perfectly safe for kids. His parents . . . he lives with a friend of mine and his wife. Teddy's parents are both dead."

"That's awful! What happened?"

"Um, they were on the police force and well . . . it's not exactly a safe profession."

"I see."

Hermione nodded, then gestured to the couches. "Have a seat. It must've been a long flight."

Carli smiled as she sat across Hermione, both women setting their tea down on the coffee table. "Long? Not so much. Awful? Very much so. This kid behind me kept kicking my seat, and when I turned to ask him to stop, the mother snapped at my like I was wrong."

✖He's Not Mine [An Utterly Ridiculous Dramione Baby Story . . . Sort-of]Where stories live. Discover now