4. sweats nervously

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Connor holds his mask in his hand. He turns around looking at it from every angle. He swallows and he hears a knock. Markus comes in smiling gently.

"Hey, baby bro."

"Hi Markus. Is Leo home?"

"He is still in uni, dad is still in work. We're alone."

Connor walks to Markus and hugs, tears rolling down his cheek. Markus holds him tighter and rubs his back soothingly.

"You can leave the band if you can't take the pressure anymore.", Markus says softly.

Connor shakes his head.

"I want to stay... I just... What if Hank finds out?"

"Connor, if he finds out I am sure he wouldn't hate you."

"What if he just wants to stay with me because I am a singer?"

"Then he isn't right for you Connie.", Markus soothes.

Connor sniffles and looks up at Markus sadly. Markus kisses his forehead and wipes his tears away.

"He asked you out on a date didn't he?"

Connor nodds.

"Where are you going to go?


"Oh? He sure knows how to get you on his lap."

Connor blushes and groans.

Connor loves Dunkin'Donuts. He would literally throw away all his morals just to go there.

"Josh is coming over later."

"What about North and Simon?"

"Simon is coming later in the evening and North is staying at a friend's house right now."

Connor nodds. Markus was in a poly relationship with them but no one knows from school. Soon Josh arrives and they sat down in Markus room.

"So Connie.", Josh smiles gently at Connor who was huddled up next to him while eating pringles.

"He is scared that Hank won't like him if he finds out he is basically Hannah Montana."

Josh chuckles and goes through Connors hair like a mother would. Josh has a very gentle and kind nature, he was basically a mom.

Markus puts his head on Josh's lap and watches his little brother and his boyfriend talk.

"I am sure that if he truly loves you, he would support you in any way possible, my little puppy.", Josh says gently.

Connor nodds and cuddles against Josh.


Hank lays in his bed and browses through his phone. Suddenly someone knocks on the window and he opens it.

"Sup bitch."

"What the fuck Jimmy."

Jimmy sits down on Hanks bed and Hank hands him a cigarette and they light them up.

"So, I heard you finally made a move?"


"Finally the Hankinator is back and getting some pussy."

"Stop calling me that. I am fucking nervous, dude. He kissed my cheek."

"I am quite surprised that you're making a big deal out of a peck on the cheek. Girls fucking pecked your dick and you didn't react in any fucking way."

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