Chapter 2

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Ste was sat at home. This was about the 100th day running now. He got up, ate, played xbox, ate some more, played more get the idea. He lived in a quite big house, with his flatmate, and lifelong friend Amy, with her new boyfriend Ally. Ste also had 2 kids, Leah and Lucas, whom he adored, yet, he felt like he was failing them. The newspaper with job oppertunites on just thrown into the middle of the floor. Nothing on it that Ste wanted to do. Well- there were some that were appealing but you couldnt really see Ste as a window cleaner could you?

Ste was tall-ish was a rugged persona about him. He always wore skinny jeans and a coloured top. His new hair always style up to the side. Thats one thing Ste had to have perfect, it was his hair. Ste had just come out of a dark tunnel, a long and painful journey through figuring out who he was. Ste was gay. And he really didnt care. Not since...well, i think everyone knows who. The double B. But we wont go into that.

Amy came into the living room looking a bit rough herself. She picked up the newspaper and whacked him with it over the head. ''Ste! You get up and see to the kids now! I'm not superwoman!'' Ste groaned and put down his xbox remote, pursing his lips. ''Why should I do it, eh? I'm job huntin' arent I?'' Ste complained. Amy scoffed. ''Hah, yeah right! The day Ste Hay gets a job is the day Brendan stops being a monster.''

She always had to go on about Brendan. Ste doesnt think she ever got over his and Brendans little...fling. If thats what you want to call it. It made Ste sick. Brendan made Ste sick. He needed someone to help him find a job, and that person would'nt be Amy all she does is complain all the time. No, Ste needed someone who was patient, who would put up with him, Ha! It was starting to sound like the perfect man actually. Now all they had to do was meet...

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