Chapter 21

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Amy went back to the cinema to look for Leah, Doug went searching round the village, on the phone to the police and Ste went running around, searching everywhere near the centre Amy took them. ''Leah!!'' He called. ''LEAH!'' His whole world was missing. His little girl. He had to find her. Leah wasn't one to run off,  Ste was so worried, he was nearly full on sobbing. He saw Cheryl and ran to her.

''Chez!! 'Ave you seen our Leah?!'' He asked, his voice shaking and his not fully concentrating on anything.

She frowned slightly and shook her head. ''No, babes. I haven't...Come on, I'll take my bags back and I'll help you find her. Have you rang the police?'' She asked.

''Doug has..'' Ste nodded. ''Come on, quick.''

They both hurried up to the flat and walked inside, Ste stopped. ''Chez?'' He said quietly. He heard whispers from upstairs, he recognised one very well. Then, his eyes widened and he ran upstairs. ''Leah!!'' He burst into Brendan's bedroom. She was sat in the corner, Brendan sat on the bed.

''What the hell Brendun?!'' Ste spat.

''Daddy!!'' Leah squealed and ran to him jumping into his arms.

Ste ignored Brendan for a moment and just hugged his daughter, so relieved.

''Go down to Chez Leah, yeah?'' Ste put her down gently and patted her to go down, he heard her pad down the Cheryl and Ste closed the door, turning to glare at Brendan.

''Right Brendun I want ya to explain why you 'ave my daughter, right now!!'' His eyes flashed with anger as Brendan stood up slowly.

Brendan looked down, looking quite sheepish, something he rarely ever felt.

''Steven, I...Well. I had a plan, ye see.'' Brendan began.

Ste folded his arms and tilted his head in a mocking way. ''Come on, enlighten meh with whatever this plan might be!''

''I told that would be the only way I could get ye to come see me...Ye know, after everything...''

''So you thought you'd kidnap my daughter, eh?''

''It wasn't like that Steven..'' Brendan edged.

''What was it like then? Oh I want Ste to come see meh so I'm gonna make him feel like he's lost the will to live?! She was gone less than 15 minutes, Brendan, and I felt I would never be able to function again!''

''I missed ye...'' He tried getting out of it.

''Then why didn't you just come see me?!''

''You would've just kicked me out, Steven. You said you wanted me to stay I did...I saw Amy there and...I saw an opportunity..I would've brought her back, Steven, you know I would...''

Ste scoffed. ''You discrage me. You just don't get it, do you?! Right, I'm telling the police.'' Ste started, taking out his phone.

Brendan advanced on him. ''Steven, no, please!'' his voice was slightly pleading, he took the phone from Ste.

Ste had a rush of anger and he slapped Brendan hard across the face. ''Give it back!!''

Brendan pushed Ste against the door. ''Tell me, Steven, tell you you don't get a buzz when we're this close! Tell me you don't still have feeling for me! Well? Come on!''

Ste took Brendans face in his hands, he pressed his lips softly upon his, forgetting everything. He let all his emotions pour into it, pulling him close. Brendan was shocked, but this made his heart race.

Ste Hay made his heart race.

The kiss was deep and passionate, their hands tangled in eachother. Ste pulled away softly, rested his fore-head on Brendan's, breathing heavily. ''Brendun...Don't ever take my daughter again, right?''

''I'm sorry Steven. I truly am.'' He nodded, still not believing his luck.

Ste looked up at him. ''I love you. Still. I've never stopped loving you, Brendan.''

''Steven? You're engaged to Douglas....''

''Ha, You think I care about him? No. I want you. All my life I've done thongs just to make other people happy,  the safe option. That kiss then...Just shows my how much I want you...'' Ste smiled softly.

''Are ye sure? What ye gonna tell Douglas?''

''I'll tell him straight out.'' Ste nodded and took Brendan's hand, leading him downstairs. Cheryl looked up at them, wide eyed. ''Leah's asleep.'' She whispered and motioned to the sleeping girl.She then stood and walked to them. ''What's this?'' She motioned to their hands, tangled together.

''Me and Brendun, we're together now.'' Ste nodded.

''What? No, Ste what are you doing?'' She frowned. ''Sorry but you're engaged! Doug...he's on his way here now...I rang him and Amy...''

Before Cheryl cole say anything else Doug and Amy came bursting through the door, Amy in tears, ran to her daughter. Ste turned to her before she started on Brendan. ''Ameh, I've told him yeah?''

She just nodded, staying quiet, taking her daughter and walking out. Doug, however, spotted Ste and Brendan holding hands.

''Ste....?'' Doug frowned, swallowing.

''Iya Doug. Before you said anythin...I just wanna apologize for stringing you along...Me and Brendan, we're together again now.'' Ste nodded, not looking so bothered.

Doug's world was crumbling before him, he felt like crying, raging, no. He needed answers, and now.

''What? Ste, no....We're engaged! You're lying!'' He led a tear fall.

''It's over, Doug. I don't want no wedding.'' Ste smirked a little. ''You're nothing compared to Brendan. Nothing.''

Cheryl burst out. ''Ste!!'' She gasped and walked over to Doug. ''Your heartless Ste! How could you! Brendan, say something!'' Cheryl said.

''Ste, I love you. Why are you doing this....'' Doug looked at him, his face a mixture of emotions. He just didn't get it. He felt he needed to get away, what would he have in his life now? Ste was his life.

Brendan just stood there, looking at his shoes.

Ste unlatched his hand and walked to Doug shoving him. ''Get out!! You whiney, cringy, ugly piece of dirt!! Just...get out!!''

Doug didn't say other word. His mouth opened slightly. Ste was monstrous. ''Goodbye, Ste.'' He whimpered and shot out, basically crashing down the stairs, unable to contain his sobs.

Cheryl shouted. ''You should be ashamed!!!'' She stormed out, slamming the door.

Doug was running. He didn't stop. He stopped at the top of the bridge over the villiage. He had become suicidal in a matter of minutes. He stood on the top of it, the world blurry, he wanted the pain to go away. He threw himself of the bridge.

He heard a blood-curdling scream from what sounded like Texas. ''DOUG!!!!!''

Bang. That was it. Doug was dead.


''Doug?! DOUG!'' Ste shook him.

''Wha-'' Doug shook as he arose from his worst nightmare. ''Ste...oh my god, ste...'' He clung to him, sobbing hard and sweating.

It was just a nightmare.

//Writers note: DUN DUN DUUUUNNN. Omfg. So sorry to do that to you guys!!! I felt....It had to be done, to create confusion and make you FEEL. Anyway, I wouldn't do that to my babies. I hate myself. Anyway, thank you all for reading, I'll make it up to you with a fluffy next chapter. Mwah. Love youuu allll. <3 :') xxxx

A Stug Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora