Chapter 9

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Next day, Doug was going to start the day with a purpose, he had in mind what he wanted to do, wheather his plan would succeed or not, he didn't know. He was planning to ask Ste who the man was who threatened him the afternoon before. He had a feeling Ste wouldn't tell him without Doug persuading him a little, because Brendan didn't seem like the type of person Ste would say he had a happy time with. He seemed dark, mysterious almost. He knew Leanne had said noone likes him, but himself, but Doug sensed much deeper reasons for this. Reasons involving Ste. He was quite thankful to the woman who had dragged Brendan away because he felt way out of his comfort zone, he wouldn't have known what to do and he though Brendan could lash out at him at any minute. He so hoped he wouldn't run into him that day, if he did, he would probably turn and run.

Ste was already in the developing deli, he was painting the walls a darkish blue, to set the style. He tilted his head and stepped back, admiring his handywork. He was rather enjoying this creative and exciting side to their new business, but wasn't looking forward to all the boring accounting and paperwork they would have to do. Doug could do it anyway, he thought, Doug would have to as Ste was dyslexic and was very embarrased to say so. Something inside Ste was burning to see Doug, to hear his uplifting tone on a morning, or the way he always knew what to say. Ste and Doug had started becoming quite good friends and spent loads of time together, even more time now they were setting up their own business.

Doug suddenly entered the deli, much to Ste's delight. ''Heya! Lookin good!'' Doug said pointing to the two walls Ste had painted. Ste bowed smugly and Doug wacked him lightly with his hand. ''So, um, im gonna shift these boxes.'' Before Doug could say anything else Ste burst out laughing, clenching his sides. Doug frowned ''Um, what?'' He looked at Ste. ''Hahahah YOU lifting those boxes?! You sure bout that?'' Ste said laughing hard. Doug gave him one nod and walked over to a box, he took it and lifted it easily. ''Ha! See? I can lift 'em.'' Doug took it outside to the skip they had lended. Ste raised a brow. ''That was one of the light ones! 'Ere, try that one.'' He said pointing at one in the corner. ''O-okay..'' Doug answered, a little unsure. He braced himself and lifted it a little before putting it down, shaking his head. ''Woah, that is heavy!''. Ste just smirked. ''Im always right me.''

They both collapsed on the sofa at the front of the shop around 3 hours later, they had gotten /so/ much done. They were breathing heavily and sweating. Then, they both burst out laughing. "Jeez that was tiring!" Doug breathed out. Ste nodded and leaned back a bit. "Least we got quite a bit done eh Douggie?'' Ste said nudging him. Doug sighed then. ''Ste i wanted to ask you something, how would you like to go clubbing with me and the girls tonight?" Ste smirked and remembered his old clubbing days with Chez. "Yeah alright then, as long as i can bring Cheryl." Ste stood. Doug looked up at him and added "Whos that?" Ste grabbed his jacket before heading out. "Brendans sister'' He replied before wandering off. Doug nodded to himself. So thats who she was.

Later that night, Doug, Leanne and Texas were all at the club. Doug wasnt really dancing as he felt embarrased and people were looking. Mainly at the two gorgeous girls he had at the side of him and why he wasnt flirting. He looked around waiting for Ste. He saw Brendan at the bar and looked away. Doug was planning on getting Ste a little drunk so he would tell him everything. Leanne pointed to the door and Texas pretended to faint. It was Ste. He looked amazing. Even Doug had to admit. He wore a dark blue shirt and red skinny jeans, a few man bracelets on and his toms. His hair swayed up to perfection. He was also wearing his gorgeous lopsided grin. Doug was caught staring and blushed deeply.

Cheryl looked beautiful too, like always. She muttered something to Ste and went to speak to Brendan. Ste bounded over to them. "Iyah! Tah for inviting me. Buzzin in ere innit?" He said dancing a little already. Doug said "Come.on lets go get you a drink." Ste stopped him taking his hands and moving him to the music. Doug laughed a bit and joined in, losing all care for a moment. He looked to see Brendan glaring and he pulled away. "No Ste, drink cmon." He pulled him to the bar. To his surprise Cheryl had already bought them drinks. "Cheryl im Doug, thanks for yesterday." He said addressing her. She giggled and shook it off. "Oh thats alright love!" She swigged her drink and pushed Ste onto the dancefloor with her. Doug laughed and stood back to watch. Ste was jumping around, shaking his hips, he was actually pretty good at it. He felt a hard pat on his shoulder and a whisper in his ear. "What did i tell ye? Stay away from my Steven. Or else." Doug turned and he was gone. He shuddered. That was it.

He stormed to the middle of the dancefloor and grabbed Ste, pulling him into the mens toilet into a single cubicle. Doug looked angry and scared. "Right Ste i want you to tell me who Brendan Brady is and how you know him, starting from the beginning!" He demanded. Ste just took a deep breath, went to speak and burst into uncontrollable tears. Sobbing, he slid down the wall and put his head in his hands. Doug just frowned confused, also seeing Ste like this, he felt a little heartbroken.

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