Chapter 12

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Doug went running inside and flames and smoke enthralled him. Coughing, spluttering he shouted for Ste. ''STE!! Ste where are you!!'' He panicked as the fire got worse and could hear Amy screaming upstairs. Ste was up straight away, he ran into the kids room and saw them still asleep, obviously oblivious. He picked them both up and heared Doug shouting. Doug ran upstairs and banged on Ste's door, the fire coming closer. Ste ran down the corridor and handed Leah to Doug. ''Ere! Get her safe, come on!!'' He pushed him and began to feel scared as they headed downstairs. As they ran down the stairs, another window smashes, sending all four of them flying. Doug and Ste got the kids quickly outside and Doug grabbed Ste's hand. ''No! Don't go back in there, Ste, Ally will be helping Amy.''

Ste gasped, exasperated. ''Ere, where's this damn fire engine! AMEH?!'' That was it. Ste ran back inside and Doug couldn't stop him. The stairs was engulfed with flames and it gave him a uncomfortable sensation in his throat. His face tear stained and grimy. Amy was on the floor, unconscious. ''Oh god..'' He said to himself. ''No..Amy!'' He picked her up and frowned. Doug struggled in Leanne's arms and shouted, sobbing. ''Ste!! STE!! Leanne, let me get him!'' Leanne tried restraining him ''Doug, no he will be out any minute!'' There he was, Ste basically fell out, wheezing from the smoke and he layed Amy on the floor. ''Amy..'' Ste whimpered hardly being able to speak. Doug ran over to Ste and knelt beside him. ''Ste, are you ok?! Where's Ally?'' Ste clung onto him and shook violently. The fire engine finally came and they all rushed out. Half the square was stood staring. Before they could go inside there was a big bang from inside. A fireman peered in and saw the upstairs floor collapse, Ally's body being thrown to the floor.


''Go go go!'' They all piled inside to put out the fire. One putting Amy on a stretcher. ''W-where are they taking her?'' Ste wheezed, through coughs. Doug put an arm around him. ''To get help, come on best get you to a paramedic. Your kids are fine Ste, just be thankful your alive, you did a great job Ste.'' Doug swallowed, trying to ease the air. Ste nodded and stood up walking to them. They gave him gas and air and he felt a big better. He looked at his house and felt a hard pang in his stomach. All his life, his home just...gone. In tatters. They were then carrying Allys body out, covered up.The paramedics turned to Doug. ''Your gonna have to get checked too.'' Doug shook his head. ''No, im fine'' But Ste protested. ''Doug, just go see if your ok please?'' The paramedics said to Ste. ''No really damage done just don't do a lot of work and rest, drink lots of water. Unfortunately, your friend Amy could be a lot more worse off. And as for her boyfriend, well, he hasn't quite made it.''

Ste bit his lip and groaned, frustrated. Amy would be devastated, he thought. ''Can i go to the hospital with her?'' He asked. They nodded. Ste got in the ambulance but he felt a warmth grabbing his hand. ''Ste where are you going?'' Ste looked at him. ''I gotta go with Amy haven't i?'' Doug nodded and let his hand go. ''Shall i text Sammie for you? She must be in some club.'' Ste replied ''No! You have to come with me...please.'' Doug turned to Leanne and she nodded as if she understood. ''OK, course.''

They arrived at the hospital and Ste and Doug followed closely behind Amy who was now being carted off in a hospital bed. When she was settled in a room the doctors did some tests and turned to Ste. Who was now nervous. ''Will she be ok?'' The doctor nodded slowly. ''Give her a few minutes, she'll come round.'' Ste and Doug sighed in relief and they turned to each other. ''See Ste, you did it! You saved her, she'll be ok. The kids are with Leanne and Tex, in good hands. They wont understand whats going on.''

Ste opened his arms and pulled Doug into a warm hug, nuzzling his shoulder. ''Im so thankful to you too, you know. More than one of us could have been dead without you. So, thank you.'' Doug's heart raced and he hugged back, meaningfully. ''I did it because i care, i lo-'' Then Amy stirred cutting Doug off. ''Hmmmnnn.'' Ste jolted his eyes and sat right near her, taking her hand. ''Ameh? Are you okay?'' She sat up a bit and nodded. ''Ste..your alive..wheres the kids? Alleh?'' Ste took a deep breath and said ''Ally's dead, Ameh. He fell through the fire..'' She gasped and her hand covered her mouth 'No..' She teared up and clung onto Ste, sobbing softly. Even Doug began to cry a bit at the sight. ''Amy you have to rest, please calm down.'' Doug chipped in.

After around an hour Amy came back to reality and was all cryed out. ''I wanna go 'ome..Oh wait, thats not possible!'' Amy complained. Ste said quietly. ''Oh yeah..we don't ave anywhere to go..hotel?'' Amy shook her head. ''We're skint.'' Doug stood. ''You guys are more than welcome to stay at mine, its a little crowded but it will feel cosy for you. I insist.'' Doug nodded. Ste smiled warmly and mouthed 'thank you.'

They were all at Doug's place. The kids in bed. Amy was curled up half asleep on the couch and everyone but Ste and Doug were upstairs. Doug whispered. ''Can we go outside a sec, please? I need to tell you something, not here.'' Ste nodded and followed him to the back yard. ''I know this has been a traumatic night for you Ste, i get that, and i wont complain if you take a few days off work.'' Ste shrugged. ''Might 'ave to. To look after our Ameh.'' Doug bit his lip. ''The real reason i called you out here anyway was to tell you I'm so glad your alive, i mean, i don't know where i would be without you..The life.. my sanity would definitely go out the window. You understand me, Ste, and i love that. This may sound harsh but i would much rather it be Ally who crashed than you because i lov-'' Ste stopped him, looking annoyed. ''You what?! You'd want to put Ameh through all that? You shouldn't wish anyone dead Doug, right?! Its a bit sick!'' Doug protested ''No Ste i didn't mean it like-'' Ste scoffed. ''I know exactly what you meant Doug, right? Why wouldn't you want be dead hmm, just for ya job so ya can keep the money?'' Doug blurted out ''No! Ste, just listen! Its because I love you!!'' 

Ste just went. ''What...?'' Doug chuckled a bit and threw all cautions out of the window, going for it he grabbed Ste's head and kissed him full on the mouth. This caught Ste off guard and he pushed him away, which made Doug look down. Ste smiled himself and rolled his eyes, then he lifted Doug's chin up, kissing him back softly, but with loads of meaning. Doug pushed Ste up against the back door, instantly making the kiss deeper, Ste whimpered a bit and his hands flew to tangle in his short, soft hair. The heat rising in between them was immense. Doug's hands were on Ste's face pulling him in. Happiness overwhelmed them both, after all that had happened, they were each others light in the dark. Ste, being the more dominant, opened Doug's lips to slip his tongue inside, then they wrestled against each other with passion, biting lips, moving against each other. This lasted a good 10 minutes before they both pulled away breathless. Their foreheads rested against one anothers. Doug giggled highly, which made Ste laugh. ''Your a good kisser.'' Doug said shyly. ''Aw, you are. What does this mean then?'' Ste looked at him lovingly. ''We're together, i guess. I mean- if you want us to be.'' Doug said asking. ''Course i do Doug, i love you.'' And their lips met again...

They tiptoed inside like little school kids, feeling giddy. Their hands entwined. ''Um, wanna sleep in my room?'' Doug smirked and dragged Ste up the stairs anyway. They entered his room and Doug pulled Ste close to him. ''Doug we cant..not now..people will hear!'' Ste chuckled and kissed his nose. ''Ste, i only wanted a kiss and cuddle, cmon lets just go to bed. We can do that...some other time.'' Ste blushed. ''Oh, hah, sorry!'' Ste stripped to his boxers and Doug complimented him. ''Wow, nice guns.'' Ste flexed them teasingly and pulled Doug's shirt off, kissing him as he did it. ''I'm actually so tired now. But I'm so happy.'' Ste and Doug got into bed and Doug shivered, Ste pulled him in and wrapped his warm arms around him. The exchanged a few more cheeky kisses before they both drooped off. Doug was falling asleep on Ste's chest and they sighed, happy in each other.

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