Chapter 6

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Later that night Doug lied in bed and tried to sleep. Somehow, he couldn't. Something was on his mind, or more like someone. This had never happened to him before. He had only known him a day or so. Ste Hay was keeping him awake. He didn't really know why and he wasn't sure he liked it. Doug was used to controlling his feelings and doing things his own way, but these emotions were something he couldn't control. He rolled over and sighed, frowning when he saw the piece of paper with Ste's number on it. Typical, something else to play with his head. Now he was debating whether to call him or not. Maybe they could hang out....obviously tomorrow.  He grabbed the paper and his mobile and dialled in the number.

Ste was nodding off dozily on his sofa. The heat from his blanket made him feel sleepy. He had some pointless documentary on the TV he wasn't even paying attention to and snacks sprawled around him. He began to smile thinking about today. He was glad he met Doug. He could escalate into a real friend. But- he couldn't be a real friend until he knew about his dark past? Could he trust him? He found himself falling asleep when his phone buzzed. He jumped violently and sat up, making himself dizzy. He rubbed his head and picked it up.

''Hello, who is this?''

''Its Doug...Listen, im sorry for ringing at this time..I couldn't sleep.''

''Its alright, what do ya want?''

''I was you wanna go out tomorrow, again? Maybe to the park or something?'' Doug stammered.

''Yeye sure. Sounds good. Could even bring me kids.'' Ste offered.

''Course ya, i don't mind. Anyway, cya Ste! Oh...goodnight. Sweet dreams.''

''You t-'' The phone went blank and Doug frowned. He laughed when he thought Ste must have fell asleep. He shook his head and put the phone down, feeling easier. He closed his eyes and the image reentered his mind, but this time. He just smiled.

The next morning Ste woke up and felt guilty he had just left the call with Doug. He stood and went to change into different clothes. He woke up his kids and they just went running round the house like loons. He wondered how they had so much energy so early. They must take after Amy for that. He thought for a moment and began packing a picnic for them. He remembered Doug telling him he loved to eat cheese and ham sandwiches. So that's what he made. He got the kids sorted and put Leah on his bag and took Lucas's hand, grabbing the picnic.

Doug was already up and ready. He even tidied round the place for Texas and Leanne, all in thanks really. He put on a salmon pink shirt but  pulled it off thinking it looked stupid. Before he could grab another he heard a knock at the door. ''Dammit..'' He couldnt find another shirt in sight, unless he went upstairs and he was afraid Ste might leave. He just ran to the door, blushing.

When Doug opened the door shirtless Ste was pretty surprised. He didn't mind though as he could secretly check him out without Doug knowing. He tilted his head and found himself staring a little while. Doug coughed and looked apologetic when he saw the kids. ''Um, sorry, you caught me at a bad time...come in.'' He shot off upstairs and pulled on his blue shirt, face palming a bit.

Ste walked into this house for the first time, it looked tidy...very tidy, he must admit. Doug must be a domestic god. He thought. Ste needed to control himself, he knew this man was completely straight but he could look, couldn't he? He smiled at him when he came back down. ''We all ready then?'' Ste asked, Doug nodded and closed the door behind him.

They reached the park a few minutes later and Doug admired the place. He could smell the plush green grass and all things nature. Apart from a few kids playing hoopball. Lucas looked up at Doug strangely and Doug pulled a funny face at him in hope to make him laugh but he began to cry. Ste picked him up ''Shh Doug was only playin!!'' Doug looked apologetic again and plonked on the grass, out of the way.

He sat watching Ste play ball with the two before he felt someone tap him lightly on his shoulder. He turned and blinked. He didn't recognise her at all. She giggled and pointed to Ste. ''Hai! You with him?'' She asked. Doug nodded and looked at her. She had bright green hair and was carrying a sketchbook. She had different colour clothes on too witch made her look quite artistic. ''Sorry to scare you!! I'm Sammie. Sammie Potter. Ste's best friend. I've come to visit.'' She said airily. Doug thought Amy was Ste's best friend? Obviously not. He grinned. ''Oh, well Im Doug Carter, Ste's....friend.'' Before he could say anymore she had shot off.

Ste stopped when he was doing when he heard a loud girls voice practically screaming his name. He moved to see Sammie running at him. ''Steeeee!!!'' He just rolled his eyes and smirked, bracing himself. She flung her arms around her and giggled. ''Oh i missed you!!'' She said. Ste spun her around a bit. ''You too babe! We have SO much to catch up on!!'' And that was it, they were talking nonstop.

Doug sat watching from a little while away. He felt a pang in his stomach while he watched the girl and Ste. He swallowed. It felt like jealousy. This wasnt normal, not already...

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