Chapter 15

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Ste woke up first, this was strange as he was normally a heavy sleeper. He looked over at Doug, sleeping lightly and smirked. He then blushed remembering the night before's encounter and coughed himself back into reality. He hoped Doug felt OK. Suddenly the kiss with Brendan came flooding back to him. He felt so guilty and he felt he had to get away. He began moving out of the bed before he felt a hand grab his, pulling him back in. ''5 more minutes'' Doug mumbled into his shoulder, curling up to him. Ste chuckled and rolled his eyes, settling back down beside him. ''Okay grumpy, if ya say so. But we have to open the deli soon ya know.'' Doug nodded and said sleepily. ''Yah, i know, its just...I'm warm.'' Ste smiled, he knew Doug was satisfied with the littlest things. Like being warm, for instance. Doug's hand went to tangle in Ste's hair stroking it carefully. ''Hehe, i know you love me because you don't let anyone touch your hair.'' Doug playfully said. ''You just realised?'' Ste kissed him softly on the lips before moving again. ''Come on sleeping beauty we gotta business to run!''

Doug again, groaned like a little kid. ''But St-e-e!'' Ste got out of bed and grabbed Doug's arm pulling him from the bed. ''We gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way?'' Ste folded his arms and Doug clung onto the bed, smirking. ''Have it your way then.'' Ste grinned and pulled him more, Doug only shifted a bit. ''Sorry Doug, I'm gonna have to do this.'' He jumped on top of him and started tickling his sides where he knew was his most sensitive. ''AHAHAHAHAHAH!!! NO STE-ST-STOP! PLEASEHAHA!'' Doug writhed under him, giggling hysterically. Ste carried on ''Get out of bed then!!'' Doug held up his arms. ''Okok! ha ha please just stop!'' Doug managed to get Ste off him and stand up. Ste nodded triumphantly. ''Serves ya right, lazy bum.'' Doug pouted and shoved Ste softly before getting his ironed uniform hung up on his door. 

There was a light knock at the door. ''Keep it down will ya lads! We got enough noise last night when we came in!'' Leanne complained before going loudly into the bathroom. Ste turned to Doug who was bright red. ''Ere yea, forgot to ask ye, you feeling ok?'' This just made Doug blush more. ''I-urm, yeah fine! Why wouldnt i be?'' Doug pulled on his trousers and began to button his shirt. ''I have a confession.'' Doug said shyly. ''Wha?'' Ste asked looking at him, Ste was fully dressed now. ''I cant do my top button...could you?'' He walked over to him. Ste tried his best not to laugh at him. ''Awww, course.'' He did it carefully and patted his shoulder. ''Thank you.'' Ste looked at his watch. ''Bloody 'ell its 10oclock best get a move on.'' He rushed downstairs. He quickly went to the mirror to his hair and Doug admired him, flattening out his own. Around 10 minutes later they were both scrubbed up and ready. ''Bye girls! And Dennis!'' Doug shouted upstairs and Dennis replied. ''Have fun you gay lovebirds!'' They heard Leanne whack him. ''Shh Dennis!'' Ste and Doug chuckled and headed to the deli.

On their way Sammie walked nervously over to them, Ste walked straight past but she followed them. ''Ste, please! Im sorry, ok? I know i told Brendan about you and American boy here but i didnt mean to! He forced me to tell him!'' She exclaimed. Ste tutted and shook his head. ''No. You said he was an alright fella, you probably fanceh him or summat.'' Ste turned Doug around to walk away but she still followed them. ''I'm leaving! Going back home, it sucks here! I thought we could spend some time together but all you've done is hang out with your boyfriend who doesn't care about you!'' Doug frowned and argued. ''Oi!'' Ste held a hand up to him to quieten him. ''Sammie, you were never 'ere! You spend most of ye time in the club, wi Brendan! So fine, go! Cya later.'' They walked into the deli and Sammie muttered. ''Bye...'' Doug turned to her and sighed at the door. He walked over and hugged her slowly. ''He'll come round, he's just angry, have a safe journey.'' Doug smiled a bit and went to go in. ''Doug.'' Sammie started. ''Thank you..'' She realised he wasn't so bad after all.

Doug went in and looked at Ste who had distracted himself starting work. ''Im hungry.'' Doug said and Ste threw his towel down. ''Doug stop complaining like a little kid!'' Then he saw Dougs face and sighed. ''Doug, im sorry...'' Doug shrugged and started work himself. ''Ah, i see you two arent as inlove as i thought?'' Brendan said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Doug rolled his eyes and Ste walked into the back to avoid him for a while. ''Douglas, can i speak to you for a sec?'' Brendan asked, motioning to the corner of the deli. Doug decided to go along with it. ''O-okay...'' They walked to the sofa, Ste in the back and Brendan whispered something in Doug's ear before just getting up and leaving. Doug looked down and he face flooded with tears, disappointment. Ste came out and saw him. ''Doug..?'' Ste said softly but he snapped. ''Don't you dare act like nothings happened Ste! I know what you did!'' Doug stood, crying but raging. Ste furrowed his brows. ''What ya talkin bout?'' Doug scoffed. ''You kissed Brendan, didn't you?! He just told me! How could i be so blind not to know your still in love with him!'' Doug came behind the counter, squaring up to Ste. ''No, Doug, i dont! It was a moment..sorry! Your fault for leavin meh, i was in a state!'' Ste shouted back. ''At least i tried to make it up to you not kiss another guy, a psychotic one!'' Ste glared. ''Doug this isn't fair, am sorry! I kissed him yeah..but...'' He felt himself being slammed against the wall, he groaned. ''Ughh! Doug what the-'' Doug just felt the anger and betrayment surge through him. But he went to yell at Ste again and saw the sorry in his eyes, the guilt, this made Doug falter. Instead of using harsh words Doug kissed threw his lips upon Ste's roughly, Ste pushed back from his instant reaction, like they were fighting- but they we rent? They crashed through the back door, and backed onto the fridge, kissing deeply. Doug had to pull away abit for breath and his lips were a bit swollen. He and Ste both clawed at each others clothing, kissing fierily again, they knocked a few utensils off but they didnt care.

They didnt seem to remember the shop was open.

A taxi pulled up outside of the deli and two cheery American voices rang out of it.

Ste and Doug were both in the back room...not in a very....decent state. Passion filled the air.

The door swung open.

''Honeeey, surprise!!''

Doug or Ste were too lost in each other to hear them.

Connie and Herb Carter. Dougs parents came in the door.

They headed straight for the back room....

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