Chapter 17

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Ste walked home- well, to Doug's. It was around 9, he had a lot of time to think in the deli by himself and how much of an impact he could have on Doug and his parents. He walked in, his whole appearance seemed much more dropped and he had gone a little bit pale. He looked up and saw Doug with his head in his hands on the sofa. He sighed and was going to comfort him when Herb came downstairs and scowled at Ste, which made him back off a little bit. Herb went to the fridge, got his milk, and went back upstairs. Ste heard Doug sniff, he knew he was crying and his heart wrenched.

''Doug?'' Ste's voice shook a little.

Doug looked up and quickly wiped his face, standing up and turning to Ste. ''I-I'm sorry...''

Ste shrugged and walked over to him. ''Not your fault is it?'' Ste's eyes softened when he saw how cute and vulnerable Doug looked.

Doug shook his head. ''My Dad...he was...waay outta order, but, that shouldn't affect our relationship, right? Please tell me it doesn't..''

Ste closed his eyes and inhaled a bit. ''Doug, i think we shud take a break, jus' while ya mum an dad leave...''

''No, Ste...Please....Im not losing you because of this!!'' Doug grabbed his hand and his voice went into a sort-of pleading tone.

''I neva said tha did i? Just, well its summat ya Dad said...'' Ste looked down.

''Whatever he said Ste, ignore him!''

''Shhh!'' Ste pressed his finger to Doug's lips. ''I don't want him hearin...He just...insulted me quite...bad is all..''

Doug rolled his eyes. Looking up into Ste's he decided to leave it.

Ste removed his finger. Doug bit his lip and rubbed his head. ''Well, mom says they're leaving tomorrow, i think. Mom is really upset with him, He is just shocked, he always imagined me the macho man, which is quite ironic as i was never into was always Braddy and i mean i dont know why he is acting so stupid, i wish he would understand but-? blabbing again.''

Ste just walked over to the sofa. ''Ill sleep 'ere, ok? No arguements.''

Doug was too upset and tired to argue. He nodded. ''Okay...Ill fetch you my blankie..''

Ste chuckled. ''Your what?''

Doug went bright red. '', i meant my blanket- My er cover!''

Ste smiled warmly. ''You said ''blankie'' He teased. The tension between them going.

''Okay, maybe i did...Beware Ste Hay, its got teddy bears on.''

Ste raised his brow. ''If anyone sees me...I'm gonna be dead embarrassed like.''

Doug smirked innocently and dashed upstairs.

Texas was sat on the landing, reading and Doug walked to sit beside her. ''Hi, why you out here?''

She looked up. ''Oh, it calms me sometime, its cooler too. You asked him yet?'' She asked.

''Shh'' Doug imitated Ste. ''I need to wait for the right moment.''

Texas thought for a moment. ''Maybe at the deli? That is the place the brought you together..''

Doug sighed. ''Maybe its too soon to propose to Ste, i love him, i do,  but...It might put him off?''

Texas stood up and patted his shoulder. ''Goodnight Doug.'' She smiled and went to bed.

'Great help.' Doug thought sarcastically. He got his blanket and walked downstairs, smiling when he saw Ste asleep, he looked so perfect, he didn't know how he was so lucky. He was just a boring American, how could he score someone so gorgeous? Funny? Kind? He threw the blankets over his and kissed him on his head.

He walked over to his box, locked with a key and took out a small velvet box. He twirled it in his fingers and thought to himself, looking from the ring to Ste. It was what he wanted, more than anything, but did Ste want it? He dropped it and cursed himself. ''Shoot!'' He picked it up quickly and he saw Herb watching him from the doorway of the stairs. ''Whats that Douglas?''

Doug frowned and tried putting it back in the box. ''N-nothing, and please be quiet Ste's asleep...''

Herb  raised his eyes. ''That was a ring, wasn't it hmm? Well, no point my son, I spoke to Stevie earlier and he said he told me all about how he felt.''

Doug suddenly seemed interested and tilted his head as if to listen intently. ''Go on...''

''He doesn't want it. He doesn't want you. He told me he is pretending to love you because he doesn't want to hurt you, in a friendly way.''

Dougs eyes stung with tears and it felt asif his heart had been pierced. ''No...'' He breathed. ''Your lying!!''

The made Ste jump and he roused from his sleep. ''What guin on?'' He asked.

Herb seemed to disappear back upstairs. ''My Dad...h-he don't l-love doing to...hurt me...'' Doug was sick of feeling hurt.

Ste groaned and pulled him into a hug. ''Dun listen to him, right? I love you, i mean it, cross me 'art.''

Doug sniffled into Ste's warm body and clung to him. ''What are we like, eh? Jeez life is so complicated, i just wanna go back to how it was, away from all this.''

Ste nodded. ''It'll all go away soon, yeah? I promise.'' Ste lifted up Doug's chin and kissed him softly. This comforted Doug and he whispered. ''I love you.''

''I love you too.'' Ste replied.

''Become Ste Carter?'' Doug said without thinking.

Ste gasped. ''What...?''

Doug swallowed hard and looked at him, turning around and taking out the velvet box, getting down on one knee. ''Um, Ste. I know this might be too soon for you but it just feels right, in this moment here, its perfect...kinda..''

As Doug was saying all this Ste's heart seemed to stop beating.

Doug opened the box and revealed a small engagement ring, it sparked softly.

''You, me, our little deli, i gotta admit its a odd combination but it kinda works, doesn't it?''

Ste just nodded, speechless.

''Ste, you make me see whats real, and whats real to you. You are my world. My everything. My Ste Hay. So....Will you make me the happiest man in the world....Ste...Marry me?'' Doug's voice shook and he waited, it seemed to take 1000 years and he had only just asked.

Ste looked at Doug, imagining the possibilities. He loved Doug. Really loved him, and there he was, offering him his future, his commitment. He couldn't reject, in fact, he didn't want to, he felt fresh tears rolling down his cheeks, happy ones. A small smile crept onto his face, getting larger and larger. ''Yeah...''

Dougs face lit up instantly and he grinned. ''Really?!''

''Yeah, course i will!'' Doug stood up and their lips crashed together, they were half-crying, half laughing, Doug pulled away for a second. ''Wait..'' He slipped the ring onto Ste's hand, and he was shaking.

''Oh god, Doug...didn't see that comin...Come here..'' He kissed him again and his fingers slid to his hair.

They fell onto the sofa, not caring Texas, Leanne, Dodger, Dennis, Amy and Doug's parents were upstairs, nothing, or nobody could ruin this moment.

They were engaged, and happily so, too.

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