Chapter 4

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Next morning Doug woke up pretty late for him. 10:30. He sat up and wondered where he was for a second, then realised and cursed himself. He changed before heading downstairs to see only Texas in. He padded into the kitchen and couldn't help but yelp out a little at the coldness of the tiles on his bare feet. He heard Texas giggle at him and he turned away. He opened the fridge like he has lived there forever, he frowned. ''Uhh, Texas, wheres all the food?'' He said, his stomach rumbling, as if in disappointment. She stood and put down the  ice cream she was eating. ''Ah, yes, about that, will you go shopping for us? You seem like a handy man.'' Doug sighed, rolling his eyes he nodded. ''Alright, sure. But-where's the shops?'' She tilted her head. ''Look round, I'm sure you'll fine them.'' And with that, she was off. Doug thought 'How rude, i only just got here, oh well, just do as your told.' Grabbing his shoes and grey jacket, off he went.

Ste decided to do something with himself that day. Well, more like he had been ordered. He was to food shop for him and the kids. He didnt mind it as he could browse at all the hair products, or at himself in the mirrors in the clothes section. He wore his purple top with white outlining, dark blue skinny jeans and his pumps. He didnt wear a coat as he thought it didnt look cool, but he knew he would regret it when he got to the freezer aisle. He jumped out of the door and locked it heading swiftly over the centre.

Doug looked around in utter confusion, he folded his arms and looked for signs, the town was small so how was he lost? He continued to walk for around 5 minutes before he spotted a small shop. Doug was a man of uses so he could get what he needed in little supply from there.

Ste was in the shop, just piling in the junk food. He knew he would have to put stuff back but he liked to imagine he was rich enough to buy it all. Doug entered and was greeted by a blond woman 'Morning!' He smiled and replied ''Ah! Good morning to you.'' Heading to the back of the shop he thought about what they might need. Cereal. He walked swiftly and went to grab a box until he felt someone beside him, Ste and Doug had reached for the same cereal. Their hands quickly brushed before Doug pulled away, looking down. ''Oh uh, I'm sorry. Go ahead.'' Ste stopped and blinked, smirking. ''Nah its OK, you 'ave it.'' Doug was going to argue but felt himself getting embarrassed. ''Ok, thanks!!'' He snatched it before walking off.

Ste frowned and wondered what he did wrong. This man he hadnt seen before, he didnt know what to make of him really. He watched him with curiousity heading to the counter. He forgot what he was doing for a second. Oh yes, cereal, he turned back and rolled his eyes when it had gone. Why did he have to be such a pushover?

Doug sighed and wished he wasn't so socially awkward. He paid and stopped at the door, putting his money away in his wallet. He saw the man he came into contact with frown when he saw the bill. Ste was at least 5 pound short. ''Sorry Frankie, ill put summat back...''

Doug shook his own head. No, he thought. He was gonna at least try and help. He called out, walking to the counter ''Here, let me pay. I have a fiver.'' He said offering Ste the notes. ''Oh gosh no! Its fine...really.'' Ste blushed at himself and he felt just a bit stupid. He knew he needed the money, it was so tempting. Doug raised his brow and kept his hand out, offering. Ste rolled his eyes and smiled a bit. ''Aw, ta! Ill pay ya back, promise.''  Doug laughed softly. ''Its okay, i have plenty more!''

He wished he didn't say that, he always sounded so stuck up. When they left the shop at simultaneous times Ste turned to him and held out his hand, more confident. ''Ste Hay.''

Doug gazed at him. There was something about him that kept him looking, he didn't know what. ''Doug Carter'' He replied, and shook his hand.

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