Chapter 19

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Ste ran after Amy, frowning and wondering what the hell had gotten into her all of a sudden, he had just told her he was engaged for gods sake, why wasn't she in there like Texas and Leanne were suffocating him with hugs like they were doing Doug? He sighed when he found her sat at the grassy part of where their house used to be. He pursed his lips and propped himself beside her slowly, he put an arm around her, and, being an understanding person he was willing to listen.

''Ameh? What's up?''

''Ste..'' She started sadly, sighing. ''I'm fine, okay?'' She wiped her eyes and Ste noticed she was crying and he felt proper guilty.

''C'mon don't ya think I know when me best mate is upset, its obvious!''

''I-i-it's just..I feel like I'm losing yah...Ste we used to be so close, now you have Doug and who do I have? No one, No Ally....And the kids will soon grow up.'' She sobbed harder.

Ste wiped her eyes and put her head to his chest, shhhh'ing her. ''Ameh, I'm never gonna leave ya okay? I'm sorreh I've bin a bit distant an that, but that's how life is innit. I can spend more time with ya if you want.'' He suggested.

''No Ste I don't want you to feel sorry for me, I should grow up.'' She snarled.

''Hey, you've 'ad a hard time, right? Don't blame yourself, everyone has feeling babes. C'mon anyway I think I know something that might cheer ya up.'' He smiled trying to make her feel better.

''What?'' She looked up at him, calming a little at his words.

''Amy Barnes will you be my chief bridesmaid?'' He asked hopefully.

She gasped a bit and grinned widely, flinging her arms around him. ''Oh Ste! Course I will!'' She laughed.

''Yaaaay.'' He replied and hugged her. ''We'll get the house sorted, yea? We can be a proper family again.''

''And Doug?'' She asked and Ste nodded smiling.

''And Doug. Come on, let's go back, I know Doug'll be missing me.''


Doug had been exchanging excited thought with Texas and Leanne about the whole engagement thing, talking rapidly at each other.

''What type of venue?''

''Dress code?''


Connie was sat with Herb in the kitchen watching them and Leah and Lucas, as if babysitting and not getting involved in the action. ''Herb?'' Connie perked up to her husband.

''Hmm?'' He replied analysing Doug's actions.

''Ste is a good one, you know. For Douggie I mean.''

Herb groaned and rolled his eyes.

''Oh come on Herb, you know it. He could of picked much worse.'' She added. ''Ste treats him like a prince, and I've seen the way Douggie looks at him, he's in love. That shouldn't change anything. Just because Ste is a man.''

Herb sighed and clicked his tongue. ''It's just unexpected that's all. I'll get over it in the end.'' He turned around and began making the kids some tea. Doug looked over at his mom shyly and she smiled warmly, which made him feel better.

''I wonder where Ste got to.'' Doug perked in, looking at his gold watch. ''He's been a while, you know.''

Leanne and Texas exchanged looks before in came Ste and Amy through the door. ''Daddy!!'' Leah squealed at Ste and ran to hug him.

''Iys gorgeous! Mwah!'' Ste smiled and picked her up kissing her cheek. Lucas however was more of a mummies boy and he held onto her leg, he whispered. ''Those people with funny voices keep looking at me.'' Lucas said and pointed to Herb and Connie. Ste burst out laughing and Amy whacked him gently over the head. ''Shh!''

Doug stood up and looked at them, well, mainly Ste. ''You okay now?'' Doug asked Amy a little worriedly.

She went over and hugged him tightly. ''Yes. I'm sorry about before. Congratulations, and I mean it, you've got a good one there.'' Doug nodded and whispered. ''I know.'' Then he kissed her cheek and she walked to the table to organise the kids eating arrangements.


Around half an hour later Connie and Herb piped up to Ste and Doug, who were sat together watching a move. Texas, Leanne and Amy had gone for a girls night out and the kids were upstairs playing hide and seek, running around like loons.

''Douggie?'' Connie said, hearing two car horns beep outside.

''Yeah mom?'' Doug lifted his head from Ste's chest and looked at her.

''Me and your father are going now, the taxi is here.'' She nodded and her and Herb stood up. Their bags at the door, waiting.

Doug looked at Ste then back at them. ''Alright, well I'll come see you off.''

Ste chewed his lip and stood up behind Doug following him to the door.

Doug sighed deeply and hugged both of his parent individually. ''Bye mom, bye dad.'' His voice cracked a bit and Ste looked a little guilty.

''We'll come back for the wedding, we promise. Right Herb?''

''Of course.'' He said, not sounding too sure. ''Um. Bye Ste.'' He held his hand out to Ste, who felt a little gratitude and he shook it back, nodding. ''Cya later. Tar for understanding and that.''

Connie hugged Ste and he was surprised. ''Bye dear, look after him, I know you will.'' She kissed his cheek.

''Yeah....course I will.''

And they left. Just like that.


Ste was sat on the end of Leah's bed, reading her and Lucas a story, but Lucas fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. ''The end.'' Ste finished and beamed at his daughter. She grinned and scrunched her hands out for a hug. ''Snuggle time daddy.''

Ste nodded and moved to take her in his arms, sighing happily as she breathed sleepily. ''I love you Leah, okay? Daddy is always going to be here.''

''Even when your old and wrinkly?'' she whispered.

''Even then.'' He chuckled and started feeling drowsy himself.

Doug walked quietly up the stairs and popped his head in to check on them, he smiled warmly at the site of Ste and Leah. He tiptoed to tuck Lucas under properly and kissed Leah's head. Ste then put her gently down and headed out behind Doug, turning out the light.


''Your amazing with the kids you know Ste, Your a great Dad.''

Ste walked into their room and turned to him. '' are you.''

Doug blinked. ''What...?''

''Your great with them two, you can be their second daddy.'' Ste smirked and Doug beamed, nodding.

''I'd love to.'' He walked over to put his pj's on and climbed into bed and under the blue sheets. Ste admired the picture on them on the wall for a second before coughing and stripping to his boxers. Joining Doug in bed.

''Oops, I forgot your warm milk.'' Ste said going to get up again but Doug grabbed him arm and pulled him down into a soft kiss.

''Don't  leave me.''He murmured into his lips.

''Never.'' Ste replied.

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