Chapter 8

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Doug's ideas had left Ste a little bemused. He sat at home while the ideas swarmed around in his head. A deli? Really? Could he manage it? Yes, him and Doug would probably make a great team but- one thing bugged him, how would he pay for it? Doug said 10 thousand..he was obviously expecting Ste to pay half and give him 5 grand. Sure, he had that money in the bank but he needed it for his kids. He had to turn Doug down, however much it pained him to do so.

Doug was in the cafe taking down some of the paper on the wall, he had to refurbish it for a start, he didn't fancy the idea of a pink deli. He was going to start decorating before investing in the complicated stuff, he had to make a start somewhere. He turned to sip his coffee and grimaced, it had turned cold, he didn't know he had been working that long. He had dumped all the tables and chairs and took down the curtain nets. Their was a door leading to the back room, he spotted some blue paint. He grinned. At least it would save some money. He jumped when he heard the door go and he shouted. ''We're closed!''

Ste inhaled deeply and smiled looking around, Doug had started already and it looked amazing. ''Doug? Its me..'' He prepared himself. Doug came happily out of the back and greeted him with his high American accent. ''Iyaaa! Hows it look, huh?'' He said smirking smugly. Ste nodded awkwardly. ''Ur, yeah, looks...great! Doug actually i need to tell you summat..'' Doug shook his head and took Ste's hand dragging him into the backroom. ''All that can wait Ste, look! Look at all this space, its gonna be amazing! I have SO many ideas already! We can have a till through there, a big and Hay sign up there-'' Ste cut him off by sighing. ''No, Doug. We cant have Carter and Hays. It will just be Carters...I'm sorry but, i could never pay you for my half of the deli..''

Doug looked down and sighed softly. He looked up and saw the guilt and sadness in Ste's face, it made his heart melt a little bit. ''Ste..You don't have to pay..Not if you really cant, i know you need a job...How bout i lower it? 2 grand?'' Doug offered. Ste wondered why he was being so nice, so understanding. ''I suppose i could manage that..Ill pay you time..i promise!'' Ste said, getting a bit giddy himself.

''Its fine, like i said 2 grand will be enough to get us properly started..So, Carter and Hay it is?'' Doug jumped up and down a bit, everything coming back together. Ste just stopped him and hugged him tightly and whispered. ''Thank you..'' Doug smiled into the hug and put his head on Ste's shoulder, he inhaled his smell but realised what he was doing and backed off, he blushed and stammered. '' i gotta be somewhere! Wont be long!'' He called and rushed from the forming deli, Ste just rolled his eyes smirking and set off pulling off more wallpaper.

Doug ran out into the square, feeling  strange. A weird force had came over him when he was hugging Ste. He sighed and rubbed his head. Then, a deep voice came from behind him. ''Move.'' Doug turned quickly to see the moustache man everyone seemed to resent so much. ''Excuse me?'' Doug replied feeling instantly intimidated. The man frowned. ''I said, move.''

Doug decided to be stupid and act smart, he hated people with no manners. ''Whats the magic word?'' He smirked. Brendan just raised a brow and laughed right in his face, then it went dark, he came right up to Doug, right in his face. ''When i say move you move OK? When i say jump you just jump, whatever i say goes, got it?!'' He spat. Doug backed off and nodded quickly. ''Y-yes- sir..''

Brendan laughed again and remained right in his face. ''And by the way, stay away from MY Steven, pretty boy, OK?'' But before Doug could protest a woman pulled Brendan away smiling apologetically at Doug. ''Leave the poor man alone! Cmon Brendan, now!'' Of course, it was Cheryl saving the day. She pushed him so he walked off and she turned to Doug. ''Ignore him babes kay?'' She then patted his shoulder and flounced off.

Doug thought:

Who was this guy who had just Conronted him out of nowhere?

And, more importantly, how did he know Ste?

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