Chapter 5

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Later that day Doug came back with everything he needed, including cereal. As he got it out he felt immensely guilty he had just snatched it. After all, Ste did seem like he needed it more than him. He poured himself a bowl anyway and ate it quickly. The house was still deserted. Did Texas and Leanne have jobs? He didn't know, they hadn't really spoke to him. All of a sudden he began to feel rather lonely and thought about finding Ste again. No, he thought. Why would Ste want to speak to him anyway? Plus, he only met him for all of 3 minutes. Yes, he timed it. The thoughts of debating weather to find him were swirling round his head, and eventually he wound himself up so much he just went for it. Again, closing the door on his way out.

Now Doug was out the task seemed much more impossible than it did inside his head. He looked around at places he could be. Or places that looked remotely interesting. He raised a brow when he saw a club. 'Chez Chez' He read inside his head. It was only afternoon but what the hell? Doug was sick of being boring. He entered and walked up the stairs. There were only a few people in, the music immensely loud. He rolled his eyes and turned to head out when someone grabbed him by the arm. He turned. It was Ste. ''Iya! Fancy seeing you again!'' Ste exclaimed. Doug grinned and nodded ''Yeah, what a...coincidence. Not really my kinda scene this though, bit loud!'' Doug shouted in Ste's ear. Then he seemed to be getting pulled out and before he knew it he was outside the club.

Ste forgot he was still hung onto his arm and continued to look at him. Doug however, noticed. He coughed and Ste didn't seem to be getting the message. Ste asked ''So, what did you go in there for anyway?'' Doug replied ''Oh, just checking it out, you know. I wasn't looking for anyone..'' He said unconvincingly. ''Alright, well, thanks for helping me out earlier, i owe you one. How bout a coffee?'' He asked and the feeling seemed to make Doug's heart light up. ''Ya, course! I love coffee! Yum!'' Doug said putting a thumbs up, blushing at his own stupidity.

Ste smiled warmly and thought the way he acted was kinda...cute. Wait- cute? That's not how you describe someone you just met. This guy was starting to have a big impact on Ste already, even he knew it. They both entered College Coffee and Ste gave a little wave to Amy who was serving happily behind the counter. Ste waked to the counter, Doug a little way behind. ''Um, Cappuccino please Ameh, and...Doug?'' He turned to see Doug admiring some plant. He tapped him and Doug jumped. ''Oh wha-Sorry! Ill just have an Espresso- American style please.'' He nodded.

Doug then went and kind of flopped onto the big sofa's. Ste followed carefully with the drinks. ''Thanks'' Doug beamed and scooted up so Ste could sit. He was determined to get to know him more. ''So, Ste what do you do for a living?'' Doug asked and Ste froze. ''I-um...I...Im looking for a job.'' Doug nodded, asif telling him it was ok and he understood. ''Well, i just moved from America actually, as you could probably tell. So, ill be looking too.''

Ste exhaled in little relief, he wasn't the only one. He sipped his drink and decided to ask the next question. ''So, um, what do you like to do then?'' Ste quizzed curiously. Doug pursed his lips thinking for a moment. ''I like accounting and stuff actually, boring i know! Also i like concerts and all things to do with my hometown. I moved cuz i wanted a change, a place not as...big.Yourself?'' Doug gazed at him while taking a large sip of coffee.

''Aw i like to cook me, you know, and look after me kids.'' He smiled admiringly. ''Leah, and Lucas. my little angels. Well sometimes.'' Doug raised a brow, seeming interested. ''Oh, so ur, do you have a girlfriend?'' Doug asked, out of the blue. Ste laughed and shook his head. ''Nah ,mate, those days are long gone! I'm gay.'' Ste admitted easily and Doug's eyes widened a bit, his eyes suddenly trailed up and down his body. ''OH! Ha,''

Ste wondered why Doug seemed so uncomfortable all of a sudden and he pulled at the collar of his shirt, feeling a bit embarrassed. Doug quickly changed subject. After about an hour of good chat they noticed the shop locking up. Had they been talking that long? God, time seemed to fly. Amy called ''Cmon you two, lock up time!'' Amy grinned at Ste and pointed to Doug, Ste just rolled his eyes.They walked out and Doug thanked him. ''Thanks for a lovely afternoon Ste.'' He said, as if they had been on a date. Ste patted his shoulder and shrugged it off ''Ha, s'OK i enjoyed it just as much. Cya!''

Ste began to walk off , before Doug said quickly ''Can we meet up again, soon?''

''Definately.'' Ste answered simply, before smiling warmly and wandering home.

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