Chapter 16

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Ste and Doug were too lost in eachother to hear Connie and Herb enter the deli. It was only when Connie shouted Doug jumped. ''Doug?! Are you in here?!''  She called, her American accent ringing through the walls of the deli. Doug managed to pull away a small bit but he was too tangled with Ste to get away easily. She came flying into the back room, her eyes widening immediately. ''Oh...'' She said quietly and Doug's heart was racing, he pulled his shirt on quickly, pushing Ste away. Ste just sat still, watching them, wondering what was going on. ''Mom!! Hey!'' He said uneasily and she shook her head swallowing. ''D-doug? You and that boy.....together...'' She breathed, not looking like she could believe it. Doug looked at Ste, then at his mum. ''N-no...we were messing around...'' He tried to hide what they were doing. Connie scowled at Ste and walked out of the back room and into the deli. Doug threw Ste's shirt at him and sighed, walking out after her.

Herb looked at her and raised his brows. ''You guys were awfully quiet in there.'' He said whilst leaning against the sofa. ''Anything wrong?'' He asked. Doug looked at his mum and prepared for her to tell his dad everything. She smiled. ''Nothings wrong, dear, our little Douglas here was just busy, is all.'' She nodded and Doug sighed in relief. Ste walked out with a stone cold look on his face, but sparked a conversation anyway. ''Iya you two, nice to meet ya, Am Ste, Doug's friend.'' Herb walked over and hugged Doug, ignoring Ste. Connie shook Ste's hand, trying to smile.

''Done well for yourself here, son, im proud of ya!'' Herb excaimed, admiring the place. Doug grinned widely. ''Really, you like it?'' Both parents nodded. ''We love it!!''  Doug smiled and looked over at Ste, who seemed to be tearing  up a little bit. ''How bout a bite to eat Douglas? Took us a while to get here!!'' Doug immediately nodded and rushed into the back. ''So, Stevie, tell us about yourself.'' Connie asked, easing the tension.

''Well, um, im 24, i 'ave two kids with me best friend Ameh, im into cookin and Cheryl Cole, and am gay.''

''Your gay?'' Asked Herb. Doug looked up, his eyes flickering from his parents to Ste.

''Yeh, i am, just got ridda me physco ex.'' He shrugged.Once Ste had said it he wished he hadn't.

''So, do you have anyone new?'' Connie was obviously implying about Doug after what she had just witnessed.

''Yeah, i 'ave actually. He's kind, funny, completely gorgeous...American...'' Maybe Ste was pushing the bars a bit as Doug spluttered on his coffee and turned around quickly blushing.

Connie and Herb both looked at each other. ''American huh? And how did you meet him?''

''We met in a cafe, both 'ad ambition and now...well...we work together.'' Ste looked them straight in the eye.

Herb seemed confused. Connie, however, nodded and looked at Doug sympathetically who had come out with pannini's for all.

Herb asked the last question and Doug mentally prepared himself. ''His name?''

''Doug. Doug Carter.  And he's standing right there.'' Ste pointed, knowing Doug would hate him for this but he felt the need to break that ice for Doug.

Herb frowned and stopped picking up his panini. ''Douglas, something you'd like to say hmm?''

Doug stuttered. ''I...i-um..'' He looked at Ste for help and he gave him an encouraging smile. ''Mom, Dad, im gay...'' He practically whispered. '' in love with Ste.''

Connie stood up and hugged her son, kissing his head. ''Douggie you know you could have spoken to me. Eh? Well, im proud of you, Ste seems a great guy.'' She smiled at him, now looking comfortable.

Herb, however, stayed silent, a cold dark stare at Ste. Ste gulped and made Doug sit down, taking his hand for support and as soon as he did Herb scoffed. ''Ugh, really?! Do you HAVE to do that in front of me?!''

''Herb!'' Connie slapped his arm.

''Dad...what are you saying, i cant hold his hand? I just came out to you, arent you proud of me?''

Thats when Herb stood. ''Your not a man, not a real one. Get out of my site now!!''

Doug whimpered. ''But Dad please, this is my deli! Im sorry- i...''

''GO!'' Herb roared and Doug broke into tears, rushing out, Connie hurrying after him.

Ste rubbed his head and looked at the angered man. ''What did ya do that for, eh? He's ya son!!''

Herb pushed Ste against the counter, coming right up to his face. ''You. Stay away from my son, got it? I don't want you near him, you disgust me! Forcing my son into being wrong! Im not having it! He likes women, now crawl back into the gutter before i put you there, understand?!'' He spat in his face and stormed out.

Ste breathed out. Dashing to lock the deli, in a kind of rage, shaking. It had all happened so quickly.

He needed Amy. Where was she when he needed her? How could he stay away from the love of his life? He swiped the counter harshly and all the utensils came off. He then looked up at the picture of him and Doug on the wall.

Bang. He smashed it. Into a million peices, quite like what he felt in his heart right now.

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