Chapter 14

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Ste and Doug arrived at the beach and they stepped out into the pier head front. ''Nice 'ere innit'' Ste said smiling. Doug saw all the people and he felt like everyone was staring at him. He felt a sick sensation in his stomach, he felt more comfortable at home but now he felt waaay out of his comfort zone. Doug start to fidget on the spot and felt the palm of his start to go all sweaty. They walked down onto the beach and Doug falls down on the sand. Ste ran over and pulled him up, giggling. ''Race ya to the sea!'' Doug rolled his eyes and relaxed a bit, running after him. They reached the sea and began to splash eachother. Ste pulled his top off to reveal his arm muscles. Doug blushed and grinned, jumping on Ste's back. After they had a mess around the walked over to sit on the sand. They sighed happily and Doug forgot about what he was worried about before. ''Ya know what this day is missin?'' Ste said, nudging Doug. ''Wha?'' Doug replied. ''Fish and chips!'' Ste smirked and pulled Doug up. ''I aint ever had british fish an chips before.'' Doug said and Ste's mouth opened. ''More the reason for you to have some!!''

They got their fish and chips and Ste tucked in quickly, but Doug hesitated a little. He tried some and smiled through munching. ''Mmm this is good!!'' Ste nodded at Doug's compliment towards the food. ''Not as good as you'' Ste winked and leaned down to softly peck him on the lips but frowned when Doug moved. He dropped his food. ''Doug?! I was only gonna kiss ya!'' Doug looked around for people watching and went bright red. He stammered. ''Uhh, sorry Ste, i er, i gotta go!!'' He ran off. Ste left his food on the wall and chased after him. ''Doug. DOUG!!'' But he was gone. What was Ste gonna do? Doug had all the train money. He sighed. He would have to walk. To walk 1 whole hour. In the scorching hot weather.

Doug ran all the way home, not caring who saw. He ran into his flat and just shouted out in frustration. ''Ahhhh!'' He hit his head several times on the door. He felt so stared at, and he knew he had hurt Ste. He closed his eyes and started to well up a bit. He needed Texas to comfort him but nobody seemed to be in. He sighed for a moment and instant guilt began to flood over him about Ste. He had to make it up to him. He would have to confront Ste sometime as he had temporarily moved in. He got to work with an idea that quickly came to his head.

Ste finally got into the Hollyoaks village and he wiped the tears from his face. He then felt a hand on his arm, pulling him into an Alleyway. Brendan. ''Steven, you alright?'' Ste frowned. ''Leave meh alone Brendan, yeah? I just wanna go 'ome..'' Brendan sighed and chewed his gum annoyingly. ''But you cant, Steven. Why don't ye come to mine, me an Chez will look after ya.'' Ste shook his head. ''No, im going ' Doug.'' He remembered he would have to face him. ''But you dont want him, Steven. Not really. You want me really.'' Brendan bend down to whisper in Ste's ear. ''N-no i dont Brendan!'' Ste stammered, flushing. ''You know i care for ye Steven, more than Douglas ever will...I love ye, Steven. Please..give me a second chance?'' Brendan said, looking him straight in the face. Ste hesitated. ''Why do you do this to me, eh? You 'ad your chance, you blew it! I love Doug, ok?'' Brendan chuckled. ''But does he love ye, Steven? Does he really love ye?'' Ste swallowed and looked down. Did Doug really love him?

Before Ste knew it Brendan's lips were on his and he felt a weird sensation in his stomach, this felt....strange...familiar....Ste found himself kissing him back, closing his eyes, but as soon as Brendan pushed him against the wall Ste felt that dominant force, that control. No. He couldn't. Ste pushed Brendan off him and wiped his mouth, grimacing. ''Stay away from me Brendan! Just...stay away!'' Ste ran out of the alley, leaving Brendan speechless. 

Ste shook his head and stormed into Dougs flat, seeing the lights dimmed. He saw candles, and in the middle of the room the sofas were pushed to one side, with a clothed table with a dinner on it. A single rose petal in the middle. Ste couldn't help but smile. ''Hey.'' A voice came from behind him and Ste turned to see Doug looking at him apologetically. '' sorry...I dont know what came over me, i...Sorry.'' He nodded. Ste bit his lip and sighed. ''You didnt need to do all this..Its...great.'' Ste now felt guilty about his kiss with Brendan. He couldn't tell Doug, it would ruin everything.  ''Its okay..I forgive ya..'' Doug smiled in relief. ''Well, do you wanna take a seat?'' Ste nodded and sat down, taking off his jacket. ''What did ya cook?'' Ste asked and Doug giggled. ''Fish and Chips.'' Ste burst out laughing. ''Well thoughtful that, am sure it will be great.'' Doug carried his portion to Ste and put his own down. He looked into Ste's eyes and found himself getting lost in them. Ste saw him staring and smiled, nodding at the food. ''mm this is good!''

After they had eater Doug pushed his plate away. ''Phew, im full!! Guess we wont be needing pudding!!'' Ste raised a brow. ''Aw cmon, we gotta have pudding now!'' He stood and took the plates away, heading to the sink. Ste came behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist putting his head on his shoulder. ''Maybe dessert can wait hmm?'' He mumbled into him. Doug felt his heart flutter and he turned to face Ste. ''Okay..'' He said a little nervously. ''You look well fit by the way.'' Ste smirked. Doug instantly looked down at himself. ''Hah! You dont look too bad yourself!'' Ste mumbled. ''Shurrup.'' He kissed him slowly and pushed him up onto the counter, Dougs arms going around Ste's neck. They pushed against eachother in passion and Doug unbuttoned his shirt in a type of frenzy, pulling it from him and kissing down his chest. He jumped down and they kissed and the walked up the stairs. Basically falling through the door into the bedroom they fell onto the bed...

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