Chapter 22

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''Doug? Are you sure you're okay now?'' Ste asked, sounding concerned as he held the other shaking man in his arms. Doug didn't answer, all he did was cling to Ste, his head and feelings all over the place. Ste got up slowly and walked over to the kitchen sink, getting Doug a small glass of water and a couple of painkillers for him. ''Ere, take these.'' Ste said, feeling his forehead. ''You're really warm, Doug, talk to me..'' Doug knew it was a dream, but he could help feeling betrayed by those harsh words that his imagination had thrown at him. He spoke like a whisper. ''I....I, sorry, I don't know what's come over me, must be coming down with something.'' Doug lied, sipping the water and half smiling gratefully at Ste. Ste sighed. ''It's the weddin in a few days, ya can't be ill.'' Ste said, but made sure Doug knew he was joking. ''Now, ya gonna tell me the real reason you're like this?'' Ste asked, raising his brows at his fiancee, who had now turned a bit white.

''Uhm. Just a bad dream I told you, Ste.''

''Yeah, what was the bad dream about?'' Ste urged, really wanting to know what was upsetting his boyfriend.

''Y-you and Brendan.'' Doug said really quietly.

Ste sighed immediately. ''Doug...I don't know what you're so worried for, you need to just forget about him, yeah? Am with you now and that's all that matters.''

Doug nodded and swallowed. ''Yea, Ste, I know. But I can't control my dreams can I? I'd rather just forget it and go to sleep.''

Ste shook his head. ''Nope, no sleep for you Mr, I got something to show you, get you're coat on.''

Doug groaned. ''St-e-e-e! Do I have to?'' He complained. ''I have my PJ's on, and it's freezing.''

''Aw, come on, please, for me?'' Ste pouted his lower lip and batted his eyelashes, trying not to laugh. 

Doug let a grin form on his face. ''Oh alright, gimme a few minutes.'' Doug quickly kissed Ste on the lips before jumping up to sort himself out. He wasn't even aware of the time until he looked at the clock that was ticking alone in the bedroom. ''3:00am?'' He muttered to himself, pulling on some clothes. ''This better be good.''

Ste was smiling to himself, waiting for Doug, he got his own jacket on and checked his reflection quickly, frowning when he looked worn out and drained. He shrugged it off and walked to the door when Doug came back downstairs. ''All set Mr Carter?'' Ste smirked.

''I gotta be ready always, I'm engaged to you, Ste.''

''....And what does that mean?''

''Oh you know exactly what it means.'' Doug chuckled and kissed Ste again, before pushing him playfully out of the door.


''Ste. Where are we going?'' Doug wondered after they had walked out of the village and they had been walking quiet a while.

''I wanted us to walk to long way cos, it's romantic innit? Look..'' He pointed upwards.

Doug inhaled a bit and smiled wide. ''Wooah. Look at all the stars, they look so beautiful.'' He gasped a little. He felt a warmth on his hand, it was Ste entwining their fingers together. He sighed happily and rested his head on Ste's shoulder as they walked.

''I love you, Ste.'' Doug said, although he felt he told Ste this rather a lot.

''I know. I love you too. And we're gettin married in a few days can you believe it?''

Doug laughed. ''Aye! It wasn't long ago we went for the same cereal in Frankie's''

''Oh, yeah, I rememba that! Imagine if we hadn't of gone for that cereal, though.'' Ste thought.

Doug shrugged. ''Then I wouldn't be as happy as I am now.''

Ste suddenly began to get giddy and he put his hands over Dougs eyes. ''Don't look! It's a suprise, just keep em shut for 2 minutes, I'll be right back.'' Ste said and Doug heard him running. He giggled under his breath. He really wanted to peak but knew he couldn't ruin the surprise.

''Right, open!!'' Ste said, sounding a bit out of breath and running back to him, eagerly waiting to see what his fiancee thought of his handy work.

Doug gasped.

''Oh my god...Ste...'' His eyes widened as he admired the building. It was enchanting. The wedding venue. Ste had decorated it all with sparkling lights then lit the plush white building up and it burst with charisma. Their was a archway and a aisle, the doors had been pulled open, showing inside. ''It's amazing....''

''You like it?'' Ste asked, pretty impressed with himself.

''No....I love it.'' Doug smiled wide. ''Can I look inside?''

''Course, yeah, come on.'' Ste took his hand leading him inside.

''It's so big! I can't believe I'm getting married in here, it's amazing, magical. Thank you, Ste.'' Doug nodded. ''I mean it.'' Doug put his arms around Ste's waist and kissed him deeply, thanking him. It was a short kiss, but loving all the same.

''Uhm. There's another thing.'' Ste blushed as they pulled away and he looked into Doug's piercing blue eyes. ''I always wanted to do this, and, I know you already did it but..'' Ste took a deep breath, before getting down on one knee.

Doug's heart raced and he knew what was coming, he loved Ste so much. 

''Doug Carter, will you marry me?....Please, I mean, only if ya want to...'' Ste fiddled with the box and opened it to reveal a sparkling engagement ring.

Doug nodded instantly. ''Ste, of course I will.''

And they went through the happy process again. They had done it once, but they didn't care, Ste just wanted the experience.


Cheryl burst into the Carter and Hay household and started demanding figures, and decisions. ''Come on boys, we gotta wedding to plan!!'' She said bouncily, flopping in between them on the sofa. ''Okay, what flowers? Doug?'' She asked.

''Oh, we already picked those, Blue delphians.'' Doug nodded.

Cheryl frowned a bit. ''Oh...Um, what cake?''

Ste answered. ''We picked that already as well, chocolate fudge.''

Cheryl sighed. ''Ok, what songs?''

Doug and Ste answered. ''Already picked those.''

Texas chipped in. ''Yeah, I'm burning some CD's  for them.''

Cheryl's face continued to fall. ''Oh....well, sorry boys, I just thought you might want some help that's all..'' She looked down.

Ste nodded at Doug and grinned. ''Um, Cheryl?''

''Yeah?'' She said unenthusiastically.

''Will you be me maid of honour?'' He asked.

Cheryl basically jumped up with joy. ''Oh, yes, babe!! Course I will! You two, making me think I wasn't involved!!'' She giggled as she hugged the pair. ''Thank you. Best find a dress to fit my figure!''


That night Doug sat in bed, smiling happily at his engagement ring, and knew there would be no nightmares for that night. He turned to kiss Ste softly, as he was asleep. ''I love you.''

The wedding was in a few days, and he couldn't wait.

//Haiiii guys!! :) Hope you enjoyed that, next chapter is the weddinggg!!!! Review or tweet me what you think, mwah! xx

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