Chapter 7

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Doug was getting bored of just sitting there. He kept watching the two talk and talk and he was the one left alone. The kids entertaining themselves. He tilted his head whilst watching them. They seemed so engrossed in conversation. He saw the picnic and felt very hungry but he didn't want to interrupt them. A while after the two eventually came back to sit down and Ste opened the picnic basket, much to Doug's delight. Sammie sat next to Doug, which surprised him. Doug actually felt himself blush a bit as she sat so close. Ste noticed this and winked playfully at Doug. 'Great..' Doug thought. 'Now Ste thinks i fancy Sammie.'

Ste handed Doug a cheese and ham sandwich and Doug grinned. He spoke happily and looked at Ste. ''You remembered!!'' Doug exclaimed and Ste nodded proudly. Doug then turned to Sammie. ''So, how do you and Ste know each other?'. Sammie grinned a little. ''Ah, we met ages ago. It was when Ste...well he-'' She looked over at Ste and he shot her a 'don't say anything' look. ''He um..when Ste met Amy! I was her friend...and yeah, me and Ste got talking and we got on really well!'' She said, avoiding his gaze. 

Doug nodded. ''That's cool.'' He did wonder why they both started to act weird but he just carried on munching his sandwich appreciatively. Then Leah bounded up, her cute little pigtails flowing. ''Daddy!! I have a question.'' She tugged at Ste's arm. Ste just grinned and said ''What is it, eh?''. Leah looked at Doug then back at her Dad. She pointed to Doug. ''Is he your new boyfwiend Daddy?''

Ste was taken aback by what his daughter had just asked him. And he felt the tip of his ears go red, Ste hardly ever blushed. Doug, however, was full on bright red, he suddenly didn't feel hungry. He didn't know why it was taking Ste so long to say no. Ste tried to answer ''N-'' But Sammie jumped in the save them, rolling her eyes. ''No Leah, Doug isn't daddy's new boyfriend, they are just friends, OK?'' Leah nodded and skipped off, Ste looked at Sammie appreciatively. He mouthed 'thank you.''

Later on in the day they were walking back through the village. Doug stopped outside what looked like a cafe. Sammie mocked ''Not STILL hungry are you?'' Doug shook his head. ''They aren't offering jobs are they?'' He asked Ste. Ste just shrugged. ''No don't think so, the business isn't doing very well actually. They hardly get any customers. I think they might have to give it up soon.''

Doug's face lit up. ''You mean like..the space will be free?'' He questioned. Ste nodded slowly ''Um..yeah, why?'' Before Doug could say anything else he ran inside, it was dead. He shouted into the back ''Hello??''. He had the most great idea, but it was dashed when Texas came out of the back, tear stained face. ''Tex, i didn't know you worked here...Whats up?''

Sammie just backed out of the cafe and went to sit outside. Ste was intrigued so he stood watching, arms folded. Texas sniffed and walked out. ''If i cant sell this place....that's it...we're gonna go bankrupt, this place is a mess, and Leanne never helps me anymore. Who is going to want this!'' She cried and threw her towel down, Doug walked to comfort her. ''Hey, shh, I'm sure someone will help you out...'' Doug said softly. Texas smiled a bit at him and nodded, swallowing. ''You really think so?''

Doug looked over at Ste who was frowning, confused. Doug suddenly came out with it ''How much do you want for it?'' Texas blinked as he asked. '' i don't really know...I need quite a bit..'' She said, looking down. Doug kept smiling. ''How about....10 thousand...pounds..and ill help you turn this place around. Well- it will mainly be my business but you can have a share!'' Doug began to get excited as ideas swarmed around his head. ''An American style deli!! I can just see it now...'Carter's deli!!'' He said to himself and Texas and Ste exchanged the same out of it look. Ste just coughed, he liked the idea of his own deli. But this was Doug's idea, not his, and he could NO way pay for it. Doug turned to Ste, grinning. ''Or even better!'' He added.

''How about....Carter and Hay deli.'' his heart jumped a bit when he said it. Texas grinned, so did Doug. Ste just stood their a little dumbstruck. He couldn't believe it.

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