Chapter Two

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Kim was seated in a dimly lighted corner of a restaurant. She took time out from her work as an Accountant in a prestigious company just to be with Von on this special occasion.

Her eyes wandered around, looking at the faces of customers coming in. She envisioned Von coming in wearing a smile with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. But then, she only saw the many faces of frustrations.

She glanced at her watch; an hour and a half had passed and it was getting dark, yet not a text message, a call or a shadow of her boyfriend showed up. And every ticking of the clock just pushed her deeper in disappointment.

She passed the time toying with her cell phone but her mind wasn't there. Different thoughts started playing in her head. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself. She thought of every reason but nothing could convince herself that everything was going fine. Instead, more questions rose up to rattle her exhausted soul.

Her mind ran wild, creating ghosts to annoy her heart.

Was there a third party he kept away from my nose for a long time?

Kim pressed her chest hard with her right hand and gasped for air when she recalled Gina, Von's flirting assistant in his previous work.

But Von voluntarily resigned to keep away from her for my sake and he promised to love only me.

But in spite of all his assurances, she couldn't tame her doubting heart to get jealous with the woman.

How could Von leave her for another when she was obviously a cut above the rest? She had the beauty inherited from the blending looks of her handsome Korean father and pretty Filipina mother. Her character was equally in high regard, her intelligence unquestionable, and most of all she was capable of loving up to high heavens. She seemed to be a perfect piece for any male to put on top of a pedestal. Many of them almost go crazy longing to possess her.

But her heart had all the reasons to worry because Von was equally endowed with the same characteristics; he got his physical features from his German ancestry. With the attributes of her Engineer-boyfriend, every woman with a penchant for a perfect lover could never resist his charm.

Jealousy crept through her heart and could no longer hold back her emotions. She capped her face when her tears flowed out of her narrow eyes. Her ears grew numb from the noises around.

Kim raised her chin as she leaned back. She dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief before she looked at her watch for the last time. Finally, she erased the remaining hope of seeing Von. She grabbed her bag on top of a chair beside her and murmured, "Maybe you are not as serious as I thought you were with our relationship, Von. We're done."

She swung the sling of her bag to her shoulder as she stood up, and then headed for the ladies room to fix herself.

All of a sudden Von walked through the doorway of the restaurant; his chest was almost breaking catching his breathe. He stopped, his eyes gazed on the table they used to stay.

An elderly woman occupied the seat.

He scanned the area, still hoping to find Kim. He even went outside and tried his luck but still there was no sign of her.

With head bowed and strength sapped, he walked slowly away from the restaurant. He had no idea where to go until he saw a public phone from a store. He dipped his hand in his pocket for coins but it just reminded him that he had lost his wallet and cell phone. He stared at the old lady with knitted eyebrows in the store.

Would this lady allow me to use their phone for free? After all, it is an emergency. Hope she'll understand.

He walked toward the lady but then he held back. But Kim...for sure she is devastated and won't listen to me. Would it be better if I allow this day to pass by before I talk to her?

Kim came out of the ladies room and hurriedly went for her car parked in front of the restaurant. Just when she reached for the handle of the car, her cellphone rang.

A sudden turnaround of feeling blurted out of her heart exclaiming with enthusiasm. Her eyes brightened; her face alive again. Every atom of her body pulsated excitedly, anticipating the voice of Von.

She quickly grabbed the phone in her bag.

The call was from an unknown number. She stopped for a second and took a deep breath before she slowly pressed it against her ear. "Hello."

Her voice couldn't hide the dismay that suddenly filled her heart when she heard the voice at the end of the line.

"Hello, Ma'am." It came from an unfamiliar voice. "This is Inspector John Tallud from the Homicide Section of the Central Police District. I am looking for a relative of Mr. Von Espina." His big and harsh voice fueled her mounting tension.

"Sir, this is Kimberly Park, his girlfriend. Where is he? Is something wrong?" Any time, a bomb would detonate and break her into pieces.

"I'm sorry to tell you but...may I invite you to come at Rosario General Hospital in Cubao to identify a victim of a road accident."

A lump suddenly formed in Kim's throat. Slowly Kim's strength started leaving her, sensing that something had really gone wrong. Still, she composed herself.

"How do you know it was my boyfriend?" Kim cut in.

"No ma'am, we are not saying it was him. In fact three victims were brought in this hospital. Things were scattered around and we found an I.D. not far from this victim and we presumed it might be his."

"So it is just a presumption? He might not be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, ma'am," and if you could help us identify the unconscious victim..."

Kim slowly put his phone in her bag and readied herself to leave, but her trembling feet and hands couldn't drive. She turned around and flagged a taxi.

A Soul's JourneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon