Chapter Seven

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The desire to see Kim anew delayed his plan for a vengeance. The longing to hold her tight was too much for him to bear.

He scooped every word from the mourners for any news on Kim. And finally, he heard it from a mutual friend that she was in the hospital.

It didn't take long, he found Kim's room. He passed through the closed door and stood beside her bed. Her parents sat on a sofa, on the verge of sleep.

His heart began to bleed again as he stared at the pitiful sight of his sleeping angel. Stress had taken its toll and she never recovered. Her cheek bone jutted out, the lovely complexion turned pale and her eye bags swelled from crying.

His arms remained at his side, afraid that his touch might disturb her rest. But his heart wouldn't allow it. Slowly he raised his arms, his trembling fingers now just above her face. His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. And finally his fingers ran over every contour of her face. His tears followed the path of his fingers and his lips found hers.

He dropped his body over her as he sobbed and finally cried out loud. Blood of severe agony spurted out of the multiple stabs of his heart.

Kim opened her eyes and unconsciously sat down with wide open eyes shouting Von's name; her arms extended as if trying to reach him.

Her mother quickly rose and hugged her. Her father followed.

"Calm down my dear, you are in safe hands." Her mom tried to be strong in the face of Kim's sorrowful situation. Her dad stood by for additional support, hiding his grieving emotion.

"Ma..." Kim was sobbing. "I saw Von...and he's hugging me. I felt his body over me!"

"It's just a dream my dear."

"No, mom. It is very clear. I vividly saw him crying while hugging me. He is here."

Von stood beside them in disbelief of what she heard from Kim. His feeling was a cross between joy and sorrow. Finally, he conveyed his love to her and at the same time sad for Kim's painful condition.

"Von, I know you are here. We know how much you love our daughter. Don't worry; we will take good care of her. You can now leave her in peace and go where you belong." Her mother's voice trembled but she tried to be calm.

"No, no, don't leave me, Von. I can't live without you! Kim's voice filled all corners of the room, sending her message of love to every inch of it. Her trembling fingers uncontrollably dug into the skin of her mom.

"Calm down my dear," her father put his arm over her shoulder as he massaged it lightly. Mom's arms tightened on Kim to steady her and her eyes became teary as well.

"Ma, please... don't drive him away. I can't live without him, I can't ma, I can't." her voice slowly disappearing as she sobbed. More tears flowed out.

"No, no, no my dear! I'm not... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." They were just the words her mom could mumble. She tried to be strong in the wake of this tragedy but her heart was slowly crumbling.

The more he heard Kim's pleading, Von felt like dying for the second time. He rushed to the wall and banged his head many times. He punched the air and kicked everything in sight until he weakened and crumbled to the floor, shaking and crying. Again he banged his head, this time to the wooden floor but still he felt no physical pain to ease his emotion. I love you so much, Kim, but how could I show you now that I am now in a different world? He held on to the foot of the bed, exhausted.

Von raised his head when he heard a faint call. 

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