Chapter Twenty Five

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All eyes were on her and it silenced her for a while. Everyone was interested in her case. Finally she got her composure. She took a long and deep breath.

"Jim, do you love me?" It was the first thing that every lady wanted to know.

"Who are you?"

She looked at Nanay Mila.

"Tell him your name."

"Don't you recognize my voice? I'm Kim."

"Hmm, if you mean love that will bring you to the altar...I say no."

A dagger swiftly pierced Kim's heart and rattled her mind. But still she managed to stay calm. "But why do you always show that you care for me?"

"They're fake." Jim, through the medium smiled wryly. "Do you remember when I and Von courted you? You chose him over me and it turned my world upside down. I'm not used to it and I took it hard. I nurtured hatred on you and Von and waited for the day to get back at you. And I can almost see it."

Kim couldn't believe what she had discovered. She wanted to shout the pain that suddenly struck her heart. She wanted to run outside. She wanted to join Von in his resting place. She wanted to be crazy and forget everything. But she decided to keep silent.

"Then what is your plan for her?" Aling Mila's controlled anger in her voice couldn't hide her sympathy for Kim.

"I will destroy her womanhood and leave her like a broken glass that could not be put together again."

Kim couldn't hold back her tears anymore and she broke down.

"When will you execute your plan?" Nanay Mila continued.

"Anytime as soon as I have the chance," Jim answered readily and with conviction.

"Have you any conscience?"

Jim, through the face of the medium smirked. "I've done this before and I'm used to doing it to girls I didn't want."

Nanay Mila immediately touched the forehead of the medium to end the session.

"Sorry, Kim, we have to stop the conversation. It's not good for our ears. At least you know what is in his mind and you must do all the necessary precaution."

Kim felt the world had fallen on her but felt a huge relief, knowing what to do next. Von heard all the proceedings. He was in pain but thankful that Kim had known the truth. He couldn't wait for the night to tell Michelle what happened.


Kim stared at the grave of Von, her head bowed and tears running down her cheeks. "Thank you, Von. Your tireless and unconditional love unearthed the evil intentions of Jim."

There were steps behind Kim and it created fear in her heart again.

"Good morning ma'am. I'm sorry to disturb you but Von wanted to say something." Mang Teban made sure that nobody was around before he approached Kim.

Kim looked up and sighed. Thanks it's you, not Jim. "I'm glad to see you." She stood up and faced him. Her drained face suddenly turned into a glowing flower under the sunlight.

"Von is at your right side."

"He's here?"

"Yes, Kim. So if you don't mind let us go under that big tree and away from the sight of any intruder." He pointed to the big acacia tree covering his small shanty.

Kim followed the old man; their wily eyes focused at every direction. There was a sigh of relief when they saw no one behind them.

"By the way, just call me Mang Teban. I work here as a gravedigger for three decades now. In my work, I have seen and talked to numerous souls but it was only Von whom I have been so closed with."

The old man put out a mono block chair almost half his age. "Sorry, madam this is the only chair I could offer you."

Kim sat on it, "Thanks, it will make me feel better."

Mang Teban sat on a nearby huge stone just in front of Kim.

"Mang Teban, what do you know about Von?"

"...that he loves you very much!"

"How do you know?"

"He had been telling me since his burial. Wait, he's whispering something."

Kim stopped, hoping she could hear something but there was none.

"Von just told me that he felt you are confused on what was happening to your life. So he wanted you to see his other friend, Michelle. She can help you. She worked at MTF Beauty Consultants in the mall near your subdivision. He's asking when will you see her?"

"Today, I'll proceed to the mall. I'll invite her for a dinner."

"Von said yes, just introduce yourself and be kind to her. She's a fine woman. Remember, you hurt her feelings before."

"She's that beautiful lady who approached me. I'm sorry and I'll ask her forgiveness."

The phone rang, it was Jim calling. The two looked at each other, frightened by the sudden call.

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