Chapter Thirty

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Michelle realized she was still alive and standing; she felt no pain. And Jim? He was on his back. Kim had pinned him down with her light body and they grappled for the firearm loosely held by Jim. Michelle knelt down and joined the scramble. Now, three different hands were after the firearm. The two ladies had no match to the strong grip of Jim so Michelle shifted her two hands to Jim's neck. Feeling the pain and depleted supply of air, Jim punched Michelle several times. But she saw the first punch coming and she docked her head. She continued squeezing Jim's neck.

Kim was losing her hold on the hand of Jim and knowing that if Jim took full control of the firearm, it would mean their end. But her strength was slowly leaving her and her grasp was loosening.

Fueled by anger, in one swift motion he pushed the two. Michelle landed on top of Kim who in turn hit her head hard on the tiled floor; she grimaced in pain.

Michelle, already in panic and attack mood, got up and grabbed the mono block chair; she threw it hard on Jim. But she missed as Jim raised his hands for cover.

"I like the way you are doing." His eyes glistened with his hunger to eliminate a woman again. "Now fight for your life, lady. You won't escape from me this time." There was his devilish laugh again. He stood up and pointed his gun to Michelle anew.

A gun shot was fired, hitting the target. Jim turned around.

The team leader, who entered first, fired another shot. Two more bullets punctured his chest, knocking him down to the floor.

Jim fired his gun once before losing his consciousness.

Michelle dropped to the floor clutching her chest. Von cried out loud and ran to her side.

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