Chapter Twenty Four

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Von visited Mang Teban. He spent his day outside his shanty under the shade of the acacia tree. He could still manage a decent smile in spite of his aching body.

"How's my friend?" Von approached him with a concerned look.

"Fine... not much injury. I thought Jim would put me in your world." Then he chuckled.

"That's what I thought but you're such a clever and gutsy old man."

"Anyway, have you visited Kim?"

"Haven't seen her yet."

"You should visit her. I succeeded in telling her your message and you have to check if she believed the word of an old man."

"And what about, Michelle?"

"She is too busy with her companions helping others. But she's waiting news from you."

"I'll see her later."

Von cast a worried look at Mang Teban, "What if Jim returns to give you another beating?"

"I hope he won't because he will be sorry. I'll put bullets into his chest."

"You have a gun?"

Mang Teban shuddered in laughter.

"Funny old man! I just dropped by to know if you are fine..."

"I am. Now go. You should see Kim."


Von visited Kim in her office. She was busy reading and signing documents.

The phone rang and Kim answered it. The smile and glow in her face were no longer there.

"Kim, I want to make up with you. Let's have dinner tonight. I'll fetch you as usual."

"I have plenty of work to do, better postpone it next week." She took a deep sigh to counter her growing fear of Jim. But she was determined not to see him today.

Jim tried to persuade her to change her mind but she didn't give in to his persistence. And she stopped their conversation with an alibi. "Sorry Jim, our COO is calling me. See you next time." She put down the phone without hearing his answer. Kim leaned back with closed eyes. I must see the old man again. He might be telling the truth. What if Jim followed me, he might hurt the old man again. I'll find a way. She buried her face into her palms.

She went home early...alone.


Kim had finished her breakfast and yet not a shadow of Jim appeared nor a phone call from him. That was what she wanted. She even hoped that they would not see each other that day.

Kim jumped on her feet as she stared at Aling Nena.

"What's in your mind, my daughter? You almost put my heart off its seat."

"Aling Nena, do you remember what Nanay Mila said about calling of souls?

She just nodded, still trying to find out what was in Kim's mind.

"If that old woman refused to call spirits of the dead, then she could call the spirits of the living."

"Hmm, yes. That's what she told us and always does."

"Today is Tuesday, so prepare yourself and we'll go back there." She stood up to dress up.


They came early to secure a seat for the first batch of persons needing Nanay Mila's help. Kim sat on one of the mono block chairs in a semi-circular arrangement facing Aling Mila and the medium while Aling Nena stood behind her.

When Kim's turn came, she sat down nervously but eagerly beside the medium in front of Aling Mila.

"You're back princess and it's nice to see you," Nanay Mila couldn't hide her appreciation of Kim's beauty.

"Yes, Madam...for an important matter regarding my love life."

"Wow, how exciting," the medium, a mother in her early thirties butted in.

"...and what is it?"

"It's about my ex who passed away and my present love."

"Sort of love triangle in different worlds!" Nanay Mila said while pouring oil on her palm.

If you remember then, when I requested to talk to my dead ex but you refused for a reason. This time...if you can contact my present bf to know what's in his mind? I knew he loved me so much but I think my ex has a message for me regarding this present guy."

"Okay, let's call his spirit," Nanay Mila said.

"Put your right foot over my left. Do not remove it until the session is over. Then put your right hand over my left," the medium politely instructed Kim.

Kim followed the instructions and the process began.

"What's his name?" Nanay Mila asked as she touched the forehead of the medium. The medium half closed her eyes and went into a trance.

"Jaime Ortega." She took a very deep breath, feeling nervous.

"For favor, may I ask the spirit of Jaime Ortega to come over? Aling Mila looked intently at the medium's face.

The medium spoke with her own voice but in Jim's style of talking. "What do you want from me?" His voice had an air of arrogance, his natural self.

Nanay Mila looked at Kim. "You can now talk to him."

Kim's perspiration started to form on her forehead. A lump suddenly blocked her throat. Is this real? How can I say no when the voice...the way he speaks, his arrogance is all Jim.

"Go ahead, my dear," Nanay Mila persuaded her to talk.

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