Chapter Eleven

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Nilo's mind was unstable caused by the long time use of illegal drugs. He had a history of hurting others even without provocation. As a long time neighbor and drinking buddy of Boy Scar, they knew each other very well. That made him a perfect instrument for Von's intention.

Nilo sat opposite Boy Scar who was bringing up the conversation. Von couldn't waste his time, knowing that he still have Jim to deal with. He calmed himself, knowing that his anger would not do well for his plan.

Oftentimes, Nilo was the target of bullying, ridicule and humiliation. "You know Nilo, you can never earn and buy us a drink if you just enjoy using drugs without putting yourself into action. Why not imitate me?" Every day I have much money from snatching...and when they fight back, sorry for them." He blew smoke into the air and into Nilo's face.

Nilo just wiped his face and quietly sipped his wine.

His two partners in crime joined their boss in adding insult to his injured ego. But he had to endure the pain of humiliation in exchange of a free drink.

Von stayed in front of Nilo and focused on his eyes. Nilo, he has no right to belittle you. Put an end to it. Stab him. Von repeated his words at Nilo's ear.

Finally the drinking session ended with no action from Nilo but Von noticed that it had an effect on him. He followed Nilo from then on and kept reminding him not to respect Boy Scar and that he could hurt him. There were times that he couldn't sleep because of what Von was doing to him.

In their next drinking session, Von repeated the process. In the heat of Boy Scar's bragging, he put out the ice pick he used to silence his victims. He stabbed it on top of the table and it remained standing.

Nilo seemed deaf from the bragging and laughing of the three. He stared at the ice pick with blank thoughts. Von's excitement soared up as he repeatedly urged Nilo to grab the ice pick. Slowly, Nilo felt the urge. Suddenly, he stood up and pulled the weapon. The two guys beside him pushed down his arm on the table and Boy Scar, knowing Nilo's intention, punched his face several times. The three easily disarmed and subdued Nilo.


Von went almost crazy that his plan didn't work out. He fled to the cemetery in disgust.

"What's bothering you my friend?"

"Oh, it's you again, Danilo." Von felt sick seeing him.

"Don't you like to see me? Let me come and I will help you."

Von looked at him, still thinking about his offer of help.

Danilo smiled and tapped his shoulder. With me, you'll get what you want."

"But you will leave me again like you did before."

Danilo shrugged his shoulders. "Not this time. Now lead me to him."

Danilo went with Von in the slum area. They stood beside Nilo who was drinking alone in their box-like shanty. His wife and two-year old daughter were already asleep beside him. He pondered on the thought of getting back at Boy Scar and his gang. But how could he do it? He did not have the guts to hurt them.

"This is the right time to induce him to do what you like, Von. Start whispering in his ear on what to do."

Danilo did the same on the other ear. Slowly Nilo stood up aided by the wall. He took a knife from the kitchen and walked to the corner lane where Boy Scar used to pass after his illegal activity. It was almost midnight and the place was silent except for occasional barking of dogs from a distance.

The two continued to whisper instructions. Nilo felt bolder as time passed by. He could see Boy Scar like an ant crawling on his palm.

After half an hour the target came. The dark corner shielded Nilo's identity. Nilo surprised Boy Scar with a stab on his chest. Boy Scar turned his back and run. He was able to shout for help before passing out.

Hearing Boy Scar's scream, Nilo's normal self returned. He couldn't explain why he had done such a crime. He fled in fear and hid in his house, hoping that nobody had seen him.

While Danilo and Von were rejoicing for their success a white glowing figure appeared in front of them. Immediately, Danilo, like a mist, disappeared in haste.

Astounded and couldn't speak, Von just stared at the figure that formed into a human outline.

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