Chapter Six

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 "What happened to the killer?"

"I killed him, too." Danilo spoke without hesitation and his voice filled with pride and anger.

"And you were able to escape the authorities?"

The shadow shook his head before giving a loud laughter." How can they catch a spirit?"

They turned their head simultaneously when another shadow appeared. It stayed beside Danilo.

"Von, this is Ellen, my wife. She's fetching me and I have to go. We'll see each other again." The pair of shadows moved slowly away from him.

Von stood up and waved Danilo to come back. "Wait, we still have to talk. Please stay for a while."

"I said we'll see each other again. My wife needed me; I must not displease her. See you next time" The pair disappeared.

Von followed but lost them easily among the numerous tombs.

He went back to the playground and sat down on the concrete bench. He dwelled in his inner self to calm his disturbed mind. Why and how did I die? He kept repeating in his mind. Finally a door of his memory opened and the information trickled out little by little until the whole picture came out.

It was late in the afternoon when he was waiting for a ride in the Cubao area to see Kim when a man stood beside him. He poked an ice pick at his right rib and announced a hold-up. He froze, not knowing what to do. He feared for his life so he let the man took his wallet in his pocket. But before the guy left, he stabbed him twice over his heart, thinking that he would fight back. He felt the pain but no blood came out of the wounds. His knees wobbled and he dropped to the sidewalk. He grabbed a railing and tried to stand up. He must see Kim. She was waiting for him. But suddenly he blacked out.

Unknown to him, a speeding delivery van avoided the escaping robber. It skidded out of control and overturned. Stunned, the robber lost Von's wallet and the contents scattered all over the accident area. The driver and its lone companion were thrown out of the van. And it appeared that Von was part of the road accident.

The next thing he knew, he was in the ambulance, bringing him to a hospital. His memory was too dull and numb to remember what happened to him earlier. He flexed his muscles down to his extremities and felt complete. Then he opened his eyes and discretely examined his body for wounds but saw no stain of blood on his shirt. He ran his fingers over his body and felt no pain. Why are they bringing me to the hospital? He asked with a worried feeling. His eyes wandered around to see who were with him. Seated at his right were a lady nurse and a male attendant. By his left were two more male personnel, all in white suites. They were not talking and their eyes were trained through the window. Why they are bringing me to the hospital, again he wondered. No, they must not. I have to see Kim; she is waiting for me in our meeting place. By all means I must escape, he thought of it with conviction.

He waited for his chance. When he felt the ambulance slowed down, he barged out of the door. He never looked back for fear of seeing the personnel ran after him. He zigzagged around the slow moving vehicles. There was inkling in his mind that anytime someone from his pursuers would grab his collar and pin him down the pavement. When he knew that he had gone far, he looked back and saw the green traffic light. The ambulance was gone and no personnel pursued him. He wanted to shout out his joy but preferred to do it in silence.

He panted heavily as he sat by the curb of the road.

"Kim, yes Kim! I don't want her to keep waiting...she's not used to it and will surely worry." He stood up and surveyed the area. There were a few taxi cabs but were occupied. Realizing that he was near their meeting place, he thought that it was wiser to walk and run instead.

Now, that he knew someone killed him, he wanted the guy to pay for his for life, and he felt Danilo would be the key to carry out his revenge. He must find him. 

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