Chapter Thirteen

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 "His life must not end here. Give him the chance to repent and raise his family the right way."

Michelle stared at him with no emotion but within her is a surging fountain of happiness; finally, Von let good triumph over the bad in his heart.

"...and I don't want to be responsible for his death."

Michelle put her hands over Von's. "I do not have the power to give or take away a life...its God's. The only thing we could do is pray for it. Von, let your pleading reach the throne of God. We will help you."

Michelle closed her eyes and called her fellow helpers through her thoughts. Plenty of souls listened to Michelle's call to come and gather around the body. The chanting of prayers rose above the cries of patients and relatives. Von closed his eyes and became one with them.

He felt a nudge from Michelle and as he opened his eyes, he saw a lady doctor and two male aides came in and took the body. They brought it into the operating room. Michelle, Von and the numerous souls followed, relentless in their prayers for the life of the victim. Von believed that their collective prayers miraculously saved the life of Boy Scar.


Von and Michelle sat down on a bench in a playground. The moon watched over them.

"Did you learn something from the incident, Von?"

He took a deep sigh as if relieving himself from all the pressures he had gone through. "All I know is...I learned to forgive and..." He looked at her, can't find the words to say.

"...and be compassionate. I saw it in you. They are your innate traits that are temporarily covered by your hatred. Those two things will become the strongest virtues in your next life. Life after life we kept on learning and uplifting our spirituality until such time that we become pure in the spirit that we cease to return to earth and enjoy our permanent stay in our true abode, the heaven."

"That explains why we vary in character?"

"You're right, Von. You should consider that people who seemed to be heartless in a relationship with others needed some more time and experiences to learn and develop their virtues. And we, who had gone further ahead, have the duty to understand and help them to be like us. There are also the laws of mankind and the natural laws that teach them to be aware of what is right and wrong."

"What do you mean by natural laws?"

"It is often called the law of cause and effect. Whatever you do, or even think, will bounce back to you. And you will feel the same pain you inflicted to that particular person."

"And so, we shouldn't do anything that could hurt others. Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, Von. Hurting others is like hurting yourself. The pain, the agony or the sufferings we went through in our life is not caused by any avenging deity but the results of our acts."

"But how about the misery I and Kim were undergoing now? I always question the Lord why us? In my whole life, I did no harm to other girls."

"You are right, Von. But I'm telling you, you might have done it in your previous lives. Our brain has no power to remember activities in our past lives."

"Then how would I know that I did something right or wrong?"

" It is that small voice within that's always reminding you if an act or a thought is right or wrong. But many times it is often disregarded as our mind overpowers it and we succumb to its dictates. You won't remember the actions you did but the effect could be felt, for it is deeply etched in your heart." must be that little voice Michelle is referring to, Von thought. It is the fruit of our deeds done in the past whether it is in this present life or in the past.

Von took a deep breath and smiled at her. "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That's what you mean?"

"The golden rule...definitely. But there is another one you must know by heart, Von."

"And what is it?"

"Trust the love of God for he will never allow us to go astray. He didn't put us in a world like a jungle where there are no laws to protect us. He doesn't like us to have a miserable life. Just follow his rules for these rules will lead us to eternal happiness."

Michelle noticed that the sun was about to rise.

"Von, I have to go. I wish to see you again and join me in my mission...helping others."

"Where are you going?"

"I still have my life on earth. Every night I leave my body to join other souls, living and dead alike, to do missions for humanity. And before the sun rises, I have to come back into my prison cell, I mean my body and continue living in a cruel world."

It was the first time that Von heard that such a soul with a living a body could join the others in a world he thought to be exclusively populated by the dead.

Michelle started to leave.

"Could we see each other again?"

"Of course, Von, I love to." Michelle left him her sweet smile that clearly etched into his heart.

But the happy moment was cut when the image of Jim suddenly popped up in his mind.

He would be drawn into action again, this time to save Kim from the hands of Jim. It was no longer a vengeance but a saving act powered by his love for Kim.

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