Chapter Thirty Four

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The two woke up just like in an ordinary sleep and found the surrounding pulsating with energy never before they felt. There is joy in everywhere and everything they saw.

Michelle was the first soul they saw and joined them. She watched them enjoy the most beautiful experience they had ever been.

Different colors surrounded them and they seemed to dance harmoniously. "What is this Von? I've never seen colors so lively and vibrant such as these. They blended and shaped according to my thoughts. I could hear their breathing; they are alive!"

"Yes Kim and I could feel the joy they emit."

The pain and worries quickly healed. It was indeed a healing process of all the hardships they had undergone.

Like a face of a tot, her eyes wandered around. "Look Von, the castles, houses, mountains and many different creatures were all around us...all in different lively colors and sizes from different ages."

They touched everything in sight even the farthest mountains and castles built on top of them. Distance and time had not been a hindrance to what they did. They spun around, feeling their heart's pleasure.

"I've never been so happy in my life as this. Everything is so alive and beautiful even your face glows with happiness."

Michelle smiled. "Yes Kim, and because this is heaven, it's all happiness and no evil thoughts and desires ever exist here. This is the Summerland of souls. After our hard and painful journey on earth, we stop by here to rest."

"How do these creations made?" Von still couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Just by your thoughts. These stuffs are formed by our thoughts. Unlike on earth, the materials are different and you need manpower, money and time to build them."

"And yet they are so real, Von." Kim whispered in awe.


The three seated atop a mountain overlooking a wide horizon of different houses, buildings, roads, castles of different eras rolled in a single plane.

"Do you enjoy the sight and the happiness?" Michelle asked without looking at them."

"Yes, and I wish we stay here forever," Kim answered.

"Do all souls feel the way we do?"

"Yes Von, but in varying degrees. People who had done much good works in their earthly life felt the most happiness here. You see, even the simple thanks you utter to anybody who had done you good can give you happiness, or even accepting the gratitude from others."

The two listened intently.

"It's not always like this, Von, Kim. There are many things to be done and accomplished here." This is also a place of progression. We can further our knowledge here."

"How? Kim wondered.

"In here, we can have full access of the libraries of the world. And you can also enhance your other skills like painting, Kim."

"Then I can be a better musician?" Von butted in.

Michelle smiled when he noticed Von's eager face. "Yes, but you will reach your potential as we go to the next part of the heaven."

"I'm excited, when shall we leave?"

"In due time, and we will go as one this time."

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