Chapter Twenty

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They needed Mang Teban for the execution of Von's plan. The waiting took a few days and gave Jim the time to inch closer for his evil intentions.

When Mang Teban got out of the hospital, the three immediately carried out the plan.

Late in the afternoon, Michelle drove her Sedan to Kim's office. The old man sat beside her while Von restlessly went in and out of the car.

Michelle parked in front of the building housing the office of Kim. The two remained in the car while Von spied on Kim in the office.

But Kim wasn't there anymore. He missed her but he knew she had not gone far.

He looked for her in the whole floor and saw her enter the elevator. It was a sigh of relief but just for a moment. His anger mounted again when he saw Jim by her side. Their plan might not work out.

Von couldn't just be emotional but should act fast. He turned around and went to his friends in the car.

"Jim fetched her and they were on their way out of the building."

The old man looked at Michelle beside him. "She's coming out of the building with Jim. What now?"

"Oh no..." She took a deep sigh. "I'll meet her anyway." She stepped out of the car.

"Ready your phone for our instructions, Michelle."

She checked her phone in her pocket and walked to the entrance of the building. Your beauty stands out among the rest, Kim. I'll never miss you.

She saw a couple with their heads above the crowd walked in her direction to the entrance. She inhaled a deep breath to calm herself. She approached them. "Good afternoon, Ma'am"

"Good afternoon," Kim replied with astonishment. Do I know this lady? She slowed down while Michelle walked beside her.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you but I have to bring you a message from your friend..."

"Who's he or she?" Jim butted in.

"I'm sorry, sir but it is too sensitive..."

Michelle couldn't resist looking at Jim's eyes. They were so captivating and could easily wear down any callous heart of a woman. But she must not dwell on it; she had a mission to accomplish.

Employees coming out slowed down and avoided them. "We are disrupting others, so you better stay over there." Jim pointed the side of the door. He dipped his hand into his pocket as he walked away from them. Von stayed beside Jim as soon as he talked over his cellphone. He knew something is up under his sleeve...and Von was right. Jim gave instructions to somebody who in turn issued the same instruction to a cleaner to listen to the conversation of Michelle and Kim.

"Kim, my name is Michelle and a friend of Von. I have to be direct in Von's message as we may not have the time. He instructed me and a friend, who is in my car right now, that you keep away from Jim. You are in trouble with him. Von knew what is in his mind."

Kim kept silent; she wasn't ready to receive such a message.

Michelle's phone rang. "Michelle there is a cleaner beside you...Jim sent her to listen to your conversation." Mang Teban hurriedly said before turning off his phone.

Kim gave Michelle a stern look from head to foot. "Lady, your story is unbelievable. I just can't accept it. Von is dead for a long time now and I don't think he could still speak with you."

Kim's reaction stunned Michelle. Her eyes widened as she stared at Kim's serious face. The story didn't end there. Michelle further received humiliating words she couldn't swallow.

"You are beautiful, so pretty. I have to tell you that Jim loves me so much. Don't ever dream that you can have him. I'll let Jim know about it." Kim was about to turn around when Michelle held her arm and told her parting words.

"No need to tell him. He will know it anyway."

"You will tell him about this modus?"

"No, I'll not be the one. This lady..." Michelle put her left arm over the shoulder of the surprised cleaner sweeping the clean floor. "She will be the one to report Jim of what we have talked about. Jim sent this lady to spy on our conversation. Von told me. He is here."

Kim smirked and walked to Jim's direction. The cleaner slipped away nervously.

Michelle walked back dejected into her car.

"It's another failure." Michelle whispered as she started the engine.

"Yes, Von told me about it as you come here."

"But we shouldn't give up. We meet tonight to draft another plan." Michelle was deeply hurt by Kim's humiliating words and only added fire into her belly.

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