Chapter Ten

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Von attended his funeral. His emotions ran high when the funeral car neared his burial place. Cries in different forms and mourning faces painted the gloomy morning. He couldn't endure feeling their pain and the fact that Jim was with Kim that he decided to distance himself.

He sat on a tomb higher than the rest. From there, he could see the proceedings at the mausoleum where his remains were being laid. It was far enough that he couldn't hear their lamentations.

"You prefer to be alone?" A voice disturbed his solitude.

Von stood up quickly and looked around. "Leave me for now, Danilo; this is not the time to play games with you." There was no soul in sight so he sat down again and brought back his attention on his burial.

The question was repeated, "You prefer to be alone?"

He noticed that the voice was huskier than Danilo's. Once more he looked around with the expectation that a new spirit would finally appear.

But instead, he saw two human eyes centered on him. It shocked him.

"Can you see me?" Von called out loud, unsure if the man would react with his query.

"Yes, I can see you and the others of your kind," the gravedigger answered him with a nod and smile. He was seated on a worn out mono block chair near a shanty under a huge acacia tree. His feet were rested on a small table and hands on his big belly, feeling so relaxed and used to talking with spirits like him.

Von didn't know what to say. He was taken aback and for a while he forgot the reason why he was in that place. He got up and touched his breast, pointing to himself. "And you are talking to me?"

"Yes, you hear me and I hear you." The old man chuckled as if taunting him this time.

"Oh my, this is ridiculous!" Von patted his forehead several times in disbelief.

"People with third eyes can see spirits that ordinary persons couldn't."

Von looked at him; his mind still digesting what was happening. " have a third..."

"Exactly... I couldn't read your thoughts but I feel you have a heavy burden. Your case isn't unusual. People who died in their prime usually experience this situation— you are one of them. They are not ready to leave because of their earthly ties...maybe too much love for anyone and anything, or unfinished business. But old and decrepit people, especially weakened by long illnesses and tired of life, easily leave this earth sooner for a higher plane of existence."

The old man has a point, he thought. "Why do you know these things? You are not a priest, am I right?"

It doesn't need to be a priest to know these things. Besides, with my appearance I could not even pretend to be a priest." He laughed while scratching his exposed belly. "I've been here for a long time and I have spoken to many lost souls. Those who listened to my advice had long left the purgatorial plane and were now living in heaven."

"How did you know it? You haven't gone to heaven yet to attest that they were there."

The gravedigger smiled sympathetically, "I felt them; I felt their thoughts, their messages thanking me, like the way I'm feeling you right now."

Von thought of Kim, of Jim, of his family and the killer. I'm not ready to leave. He is right; I still have something to settle before I leave this earth. I need someone to carry my plan. It's Danilo that I need, not this guy. He seemed too angelic the way I see him.

The thought of his tragic death and what would happen to Kim in the hands of Jim distressed his mind again. He was breathing shallow and his thoughts going nowhere.

Von's intentions showed on his facial expressions and body movements, sending message to the old man that he wasn't ready yet to leave the purgatorial plane. He needed time to heal his wounds. I want to help him but for now, I think he wouldn't listen. There is a right time for everything. "If you needed me for any reason, just come here. This is my place." He pointed at a dilapidated hut.

After the burial, Von's desire for vengeance flamed his heart anew. He didn't waste any time. He scoured the area around the place where he was killed. It didn't take long to see the guy, drinking with friends in a squatter's area. Von cannot be wrong because he saw the scar on his face when the guy stabbed him. His body trembled at the sight of his killer. He wanted him dead at once.

He looked at the three other drinking companions and tried to feel who among them could easily be swayed by his thoughts.

His eyes centered on one of them. His name is Nilo.

His vengeance would begin.

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