Chapter Three

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She slammed her body against the backseat of the taxi. She closed her weary eyes to rest them. Only a few months ago her cousin, whom she considered like a true sister, died in a car accident. She almost died with her in agony if not for the support of her love ones. Her heart had not healed yet and now, another tragedy in her life was about to occur.

The thought of seeing Von's lifeless body rocked her soul with high intensity.

What will I do if I see him dead? I'll lose my mind! Oh God, please help me, I do not know what to do. I might die with him if I see him lying lifeless.

She straightened up, opened her eyes and took a deep breath.

But no, that guy isn't Von and he is still alive somewhere. He tried to counter the mounting fear building in her core.

The phone call was a mistake. Von is alive. He is just somewhere. Yes, just somewhere...But, but why did he fail to see this especially occasion?

She bit her lips to calm her emotion but couldn't stop the cascading tears out of her eyes.

The taxi stopped, "Ma'am we're here now," the driver looked at her through the center mirror.

Two law enforcers were waiting by the entrance.

A burly policeman in his late thirties approached her by the entrance of the hospital. "Good evening, ma'am. I am Police Inspector John Tallud of the Homicide Division, Central Police District."

"And I am Policewoman Myrna Selga ..." She appeared behind the policeman and bowed a bit to show respect. Her sweet voice somehow negated the frightening voice of her partner.

"Kimberly Park," she gave her name in a shaky voice. The tension in her face didn't escape notice from the police officers.

"I'm sorry to put you in this situation, ma'am," the policewoman started the conversation. "It is a police matter to identify the victim and you were the first one we called and luckily for us you responded. But if it would make you feel uncomfortable with it, you can suggest names that could help us do the identification. Do you want us to call another family member, relative or friend of the man so you won't have to go through the process on your own?

Kim closed her eyes briefly before responding. "I was shocked, in total shock indeed, hope you understand. I love my boyfriend so much and to hear that he might be the victim you wanted me to identify really put me in this dreadful situation. Anyway, let's proceed. I will help you identify him."

"Okay, Miss Park, we will do it. I hope you mean what you said."

Kim took a deep breathe, filling every corner of her lungs with air to make sure she had enough stock to bring with her. She closed her eyes to say a little prayer.

My Lord, please prove to me that they are mistaken.

She glanced at the two and spoke above whisper, "Let's go, I'm ready."

The two flanked her as they walked through the corridor.

"Are you sure, it was my boyfriend?" she shot a question without looking at anyone of them.

"We do not know, unless you identify him as such." The policewoman spoke softly over her ear.

There was a flicker of hope and was quite a bit of relief from Kim but not a total escape from her nightmare.

She wandered her eyes and saw unfamiliar rooms along the way. "Is this the way to the emergency room?"

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am, the victim passed away a few minutes ago before you arrived..." The policeman immediately answered with an alibi.

"...and you didn't tell me at once." Kim's voice was suddenly kicking wild.

"I'm sorry, we were about to, but we forgot it when we saw you alighting from the taxi."

Kim slowed down as they approached the room with the word MORGUE written above the door. She closed her eyes for a moment as she loaded her heart with additional strength and at the same time to cast away her anger for their failure to reveal the truth at once. But on the second thought she should thank them for it, for if she had known it earlier she could have not have the courage or strength to walk up the door of the morgue. In fact, this was the reason why the policeman hid the truth. The news of the victim's death might cause her to collapse anywhere where help was not available.

The policeman pushed the door and the two went ahead of her. The heaviness in Kim's feet restrained her to go further inside.

The attendant, an old thin man, turned around to meet Kim's gaze. "Good evening ma'am."

Kim heard nothing but the pumping of her heart. As she took another step her soul felt the slashing of the scythe of death. Just the sight of the place turned her stomach upside down. Her heart was weeping and drowning in fear. Cold feelings bit her spine and her breathing became shallow. The view of a linen-covered corpse on a table further depleted her oxygen intake. With only a few feet away, she stopped again and held on to the policewoman's arm; her feet wobbled and ready to give up.

"Mister, would you please bring that chair over here. I don't think Miss Park is ready to see the corpse." The policeman turned to the old man.

Kim couldn't control her hands shaking as if they have lives of their own.

The attendant quickly grabbed the chair and put behind Kim.

The policeman held her shoulders and helped his partner put her down on her seat.

Kim held the policewoman's arm tighter as she wept unabashedly. Kim's sobbing broke the silence in the room...not a voice from the three were heard.

Kim's emotion filled every corner of the morgue and even to the heart of the three others present. The policewoman, new to this situation, was shaking hard and biting both lips to stop her tears from falling. Her sympathy over Kim made her like a loving relative to her. The two males who were used to this kind of situation were silently drawn to Kim's emotion as well.

Kim's body continued to tremble uncontrollably. Inspector Tallud took off his jacket and laid it over Kim's shoulders. Kim, now with teary eyes, put her shaking pale hands over her chest.

"Sir...," Kim tried to be strong to get over the identification process. "I can see the face of that body from this distance. Would you please remove the cover of his face now?"

The old man politely obliged. As he pulled down the cover, Kim's breath was pulled away as well, leaving her breathless.

She stared at the face of the corpse. There was a shock look in her face. Her eyes widened and she leaped on her feet to get a better view of the corpse' face.

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