Chapter Sixteen

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The hysterical Von left the vicinity thinking about Michelle and he ended up in the cemetery, his place of solace. He sat down on a tomb. He looked up in the sky; it was just starting to heat the surroundings. The bad thing is Michelle won't appear until the day is over and the worst thing is she comes not regularly. He clasped his bowed head and crumpled his face.

He stood up. What about Danilo? He helped me carry out my plan before. But he had not shown himself after that incident. He must have been frightened by Michelle's apparition. Von turned around and he saw the gravedigger seated on an old mono block chair under the shade of a tree just a stone throw away. His feet stretched on top of a small table while his stern face fronting his direction.

Von wasn't sure if the man was looking at him. He waved his hand instinctively and to his surprise the man returned a wave coupled with a smile.

"Oh, what is this? Are my eyes telling the truth?" Von waved for the second time.

The old man responded again this time with a worded reply, "I can see you, son! Why not come here so we could talk."

Von wiped his wide agape mouth and moved closer to the man.

He pulled another chair and placed it beside Von. "Here, you may sit down. Ghosts don't feel tired standing but I prefer talking to them on a seating position.

Von did what the old man said. "Are you following me, sir?"

The man chuckled and looked at Von. "I live there," he pointed at a shanty at his right. It was leaning at the big tree. "We met before during your burial but it seems you have forgotten it. Anyway, just call me, Mang Teban."

"I'm Von." He is still wondering if they ever met before. He extended his right hand for a handshake.

Mang Teban looked at him and down to his hand, then back to Von's face. His face is serious but smiling inside.

"I'm sorry, I used to handshake when I was alive. I forgot, I have no more body."

The two laughed as Von scratched his head.

"I'm glad you can already laugh."

"Yes, it's been months and I have recovered from the incident..."

"But I see you are still in distress my friend, your laughter couldn't hide what you are feeling."

"Yes, I am. You called me as your friend, did I hear it right?"

"You heard it right. We, in this spiritual world must always be friends and not enemies."

"And you can help me, too?" He asked with no hesitation, as he was in dire need of somebody to turn for help.

"Help? Of what?"

"Can I tell you my problem?"

"Then go...straight to the point."

But Von held back his words. Why would I share my problem to a complete stranger? But I need someone to deal with my problem and he might be of help. He called me his friend anyway.

"Go on my friend; I'm listening."

"Well, I left behind a girlfriend whom I intended to marry. And now that I was out of the picture, a common friend was trying to possess her..."

"Then you should be thankful for that. I think the guy loves him so much."

"No, it's a mistake..."

"But why? You said he is a friend?"

"I...I think I picked the wrong word. What I mean is we've been together for a long time but he fell short of being a true friend."

"I understand now. You may continue."

"Now, this guy had an evil intention on's not love but lust on her. He had many girls before and after getting what he wanted, he just dropped them cold. And I don't want it to happen to Kim. If he couldn't get what he wanted peacefully then it would be by force."

"Is he not afraid of the law?"

"He is a son of an influential senator. He had many rape cases before but was mysteriously dismissed."

Mang Teban looked up in the sky as his left hand toyed with his beard. "Yes my friend, your girlfriend is in real trouble."

Von was now walking to and fro in front of the old man.

Mang Teban sensed his fear and insecurities. "By the way what are their names?"

"She's Kimberly Park, Kim for short. The man is Jaime Ortega or Jim."

The old man remained quiet, still rubbing his beard and looking far. Then he broke his silence. "What do you want me to do?"

A sudden ray of hope shone on Von's face.

After a while the two, like experts, were discussing their plans. Mang Teban was to deliver Von's message to Kim. He would accompany Mang Teban to give him instructions and be an eye on his way to Kim's house.

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