Chapter Four

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The old man pulled down the cover and exposed the face of the corpse. Kim's eyes widened and she leaped on her feet to get a better view of the corpse' face.

Kim turned to the policewoman on her side and embraced her so tight that she could hardly breathe freely.

The two men just watched Kim, not knowing what was going on. Kim released her from the tight embrace and backed away from the corpse.

"He is not my boyfriend. I do not know him." She dabbed her eyes with her drench hanky. Her tears were now tears of joy. She felt a complete release of the burdens in her chest.

"I'm happy for you, Kim." The policeman couldn't hide his own happiness, also.

"This place is nauseating, can we leave and if you still need some information, could we just talk outside?" she looked at the two of them.

But before anyone of them could answer, the door swung open. A male attendant came in holding a folder. He guided a wheel stretcher pushed by another at the other end.

Everyone looked at one another. Silence ruled the place anew.

Kim's tired heart began to beat fast again.

What is this?

Something inside made her heart jerked with fear.

"Sir, he is not lucky to survive." The attendant holding a folder looked at them one after the other.

"Is he one of the three road victims...?" the policeman finally spoke.

"Yes, sir. Only one of them survived."

Kim's legs couldn't support her anymore and she went back to her chair.

What is this happening to me? When all had been cleared, I'm here again in this punishing predicament.

"Kim." The policewoman walked and stood beside her; she put her arm over Kim's shoulder. "Could you still do it for the second time?"

Kim looked at her. "Why not at the other victim...I mean the surviving one?"

"Ma'am, the patient is in the ICU. No one is allowed to visit him." He handed the folder to the morgue attendant whose eyes were actively observing them.

"Okay, I want it to be over. Let's do it." Kim tried to stand up as the two officers helped her on her feet. The corpse was just in front of her.

The morgue attendant pulled down the cover, not waiting for further instructions from anyone.

Kim looked at the face of the corpse.

As if something hard hit her head and everything turned black; her soul retreated into a dungeon she felt she could never get out. Loud shrieks and cries from her heart tormented her soul until she surrendered the only remaining courage she had and succumbed to unconsciousness.


Kim woke up and looked around her. "Where am I?

"You are in Meridian General Hospital." A familiar male voice answered.

Kim turned to her left. "Jim!"

"Yes Kim. I've been keeping watch of you for the past two days now."

Kim closed her eyes again as she tried to recall the past. But her memory won't cooperate. She opened her eyes when she felt Jim's hand on top of hers.

"I can't remember anything."

"You are under sedation, 'cause you never stop crying...and at times out of control."

Kim stared at the ceiling blankly, still trying to remember the past.

"You took the death of Von extremely..."

Jim's word triggered her memory to flash back quickly and stirred her eyes to cry anew.

He held her shuddering shoulders. "I'm here for you, Kim. I won't leave you."

The recall of Von's lifeless body flooded her mind and heart causing her to drown in misery. She gasped for air as she shouted Von's name repeatedly. She dabbed her face with her arms, snapping the dextrose hose out of its place.

Jim lifted the phone and called to the nurses' station and a few seconds later male and female nurses came in.

I'm sorry, but you must be sedated again.

Little by little Kim calmed down. Only the eyelids were moving but the tears kept flowing still.

Jim wiped Kim's tears and ran his fingers over her forehead. "Your parents are coming, Kim. But even if they are here, I'll still be around to help you get over your situation."

Kim's soul sank deeper in her thoughts, reminiscing the happy times, her future without Von and the latest incident that crushed her heart into a thousand pieces.


The sound of passing vehicles woke Von up and on to his feet. He dusted the bottom of his pants then brushed his palms together. He couldn't believe he slept at the sidewalk of a busy street. He felt invigorated in spite of feeling hungry. A shower would further make his mood better before contacting Kim.

In a few minutes he reached the gate of their subdivision. He waved his hand in his usual gesture but the guard simply turned his back. He couldn't believe that the ever respectful guard would ignore his greetings. He dismissed the incident and continued walking until he reached the gate of their house. Neighbors and friends gathered in and outside of the house. Von wondered why they have visitors that early.

The light from the numerous electric bulbs caused him to panic. He drew in a deep breath.

My dad, he remembered his ailing father. His cancer might have taken its toll and he gave up. He went by his friends as he entered the door to confirm his thoughts.

And his thoughts had an immediate answer when he saw his father seated beside the coffin, his arm and face leaning on it.

"Dad!" he shouted. "Thanks you're live..."

But who could be inside? His heart trembled in fear.

He dashed to the side of his father and looked through the mirror of the casket. And there in front of him, he saw himself.


Two devastated souls deeply in love were now in different sides of the world. Can love still bind them together? 

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