Chapter Twenty Six

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Kim stared blankly at the phone, not knowing what to do.

"Answer him. But don't let him know what was going on."

Kim did what the old man said.

"I went to the office and you weren't there. Aling Nena told me that you were not home. Now, would you please tell me where you are hiding?" the voice was clearly controlling a temper ready to erupt. Her sense of fear mounted.

"Well, I just want to free myself from the heaviness I am feeling these days. I want to be by please don't bother me today." Kim wanted to sound strong but her unsteady voice denied her intentions.

"I am your boyfriend and I want to be aware of what's going on. Now, tell me, where are you?"

Kim suddenly shut off the phone. Although feeling afraid, she couldn't take Jim's treatment like a dog to her master. Her face was full of anxiety, fear and anger.

"I think, it would be better to play with him while planning your moves."

"That's my plan and I'm trying to... but I'm not used to it." She dropped her head on her waiting left palm and tears came out of her dreary eyes. Her hands were shaking. "What's happening to my world? I wish Von is still with me."

Mang Teban saw Von caressing her hair and feeling the pain ripping her heart.

It was a painful sight for Mang Teban. Two souls were in love but separated by different dimensions.

"Von wanted you to see Michelle now. He knows she could give a better advice than we are."

Kim wiped off her tears with her hanky and stood up. "Thank you Mang Teban for your time."

"You are always welcome in my place. If your heart is heavy, you can shed your problems here...away from your burdens."

"Yes, it's quiet and nice to be alone."

"No, there are plenty of them around but they don't speak anymore."

"You have a good sense of humor." Kim tried to smile and left in a hurry.

Mang Teban's eyes followed her until she exited from the gate.


Kim parked her car in front of the mall. The phone rang. It was Jim again. She stared on it, undecided whether to answer or not. It kept ringing. When it stopped, she rested her face on her arms on the steering wheel. Oh God, please help me in this problem I am in. I do not have the courage to face Jim. Give me someone who could help me. I hope that Michelle would be your angel.

She opened the door of her car and the phone rang again. She threw it into the passenger's seat and closed the door.

Kim proceeded to the second floor of the mall where the beauty shops are located. Finally, she saw the signage: MTF Beauty Consultants. Seeing the signage was a relief.

She stood outside and looked around, searching for Michelle whom she had seen only once. She glanced at her watch, it was almost five. She walked inside. A smiling woman met her. "Good afternoon, ma'am. Welcome..."

"I'm looking for Michelle," she said without any introduction.

The lady looked around and back to her, "I'm sorry ma'am, she was just here a while ago but was gone. Ma'am Gina, have you seen Michelle?" she asked her supervisor.

"She left. She is not feeling well and she won't be back today."

"I'm sorry ma'am but if you want, there are other consultants to attend to your needs."

"Thanks but I'm sorry, I need her for other reasons." She wanted to smile but her lips were tight. "Thank you." And with that, she left.

She walked out gingerly with head stooped down, unmindful of the noise and the numerous people stepping aside to avoid bumping her.

Someone stood on her path that made her stop walking. She raised her head and saw the smiling face of that beautiful full-bred Filipina she once saw. Smile slowly filled Kim's eyes and lips. She brushed away the tears in her eyes to make sure she was seeing the God-sent angel she was asking.



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