Chapter Thirty Three

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"Am I dreaming?" Von stared at Michelle with big eyes.

"Dream has no place in this world, Von. Why not approach her?"

Von, still in disbelief, did what Michelle had told him.

"Von," her eyes became teary but her face painted with happiness.

Their hands clasp and slipped into embrace. Their world began to spin around and flew to a place where no ordinary feelings could follow.


"I died by too much depression. I failed to recover emotionally but I don't feel sorry, for I know that you are waiting for me."

"Love is eternal and we will live in eternity, Kim."

As my soul detached from my body, other souls welcomed and guided me here. It seems that they knew me and you."

"Von looked at Michelle and Kim did the same. "They are Michelle's friends in this world."

Michelle nodded with a smile.

"But what about your parents?" Von suddenly changed the topic out of concern for her love ones.

"I know they won't feel sad because their lost is my gain. They knew I would finally be at home in your arms." She turned her sight beside her. "I'm sorry Michelle for bringing trouble in your peaceful life." She closed the distance and hugged MIchelle.

"You need not worry about it. All of us die and the best time for dying is for the sake of others. We all have roads to travel and as long as we dedicate our lives in righteousness we are on the right path." She cast a look at Von. "And now that she's here, I can leave you and go to my rightful place...peacefully."

"Yes, Michelle you can go and I thank you for all what you have done for me."

"And to me, as well. I will never forget what you did for me, Michelle."

"It's your turn to help and guide Kim. See you there in the heaven world. There, I could stay long enough to wait for the two of you."

Silence pervaded in the air.

Michelle's figure slowly turned into mist but still her face managed to cast a smile on them. She left a happy mark in their heart.


After a short period of time, it was their turn to leave the purgatorial world.

"What is this that I am feeling, Von? I feel weak and eyes about to close?"

"I feel the same."

They held hands.

"Don't leave me, Von."

"I won't."

The two fell into a deep dreamless sleep. Their consciousness rose to the heaven.

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