Chapter Twenty One

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Kim's eyes focused on the screen of the huge TV set but her mind was nowhere. The earlier incident with Michelle still played in her mind. Who really is this woman? She's beautiful. She might just be another hooker wanting to grab my Jim away. I will never allow anybody snatch away Jim from me. Her anger and insecurity slowly built up.

She stood up and paced the receiving room. She went back to her seat and closed her eyes. But she looked respectable to lie and do unpleasant things. What if, she is telling the truth?

The night was long for Kim as the incident with Michelle didn't leave her jealous heart and doubting mind.


In the office, Kim's thought still haunted her; the pleading face of Michelle always blocked her mind, unable to concentrate on her office works.

The distraction finally took its toll. It cannot be this way all through the day; I must do something. She googled subjects that dealt with returning ghost or souls. She learned that souls with unfinished business usually remained on earth or if gone, will return. It must be Von returning for a message but how would I know? They don't come back to speak directly...maybe through dreams or to someone who has the capacity to communicate with them. And Michelle must be one of them. Von might not like my falling in love with Jim but he should understand that I am in safe hands... am I?"


"Do you have any problem, Kim? Jim glanced at her. He received no answer. So he pulled his car out of the road and stopped for a while. He looked at her. "Is something bothering you my sweetheart?"

Kim stared at him.

Jim's lips touched hers. "Now tell me, did somebody hurt you? Tell me who the guy is and I'll bring his head to you."

Jim's words were alarming but Kim took it as a joke and brushed it aside. "Do you believe in ghost?"

"I believe in guns and bullets, never in ghost. Why do you ask?"

"Maybe...just maybe, Von might still be around and couldn't move on."

"Oh, no!" Jim pulled back from his embrace.

"At first I dismissed it but..."

"But what?"

Kim shook her head. "Nothing, just forget it." She stopped the conversation when she noticed the anger and dismayed look in Jim's face. "Drive me home now, please."


In the morning, Kim went out of her room early.

"You should still be sleeping by now, my dear." Aling Nena walked around the kitchen preparing their breakfast.

"I can't sleep. Aling Nena, do you know of a medium that could help me know Von's message?"

She looked at Kim with discerning look. "I know of one. She can communicate with the spirits of the living and elementals but I don't know if she's capable of calling departed souls."

"Bring me to her this Sunday; we might be able to persuade her."

"Sorry Kim, she's available on Fridays and Tuesdays only. On these days, their powers were at its strongest."

They waited for the day to see the medium. But it turned out to be a frustration for Kim. Aling Nena was right. The healer couldn't call the spirit of Von. Kim was disappointed but still not giving up. She knew that she could find a way to know what was going on in her life.


At night Jim visited Kim. They sat on the sofa, their hands intertwined. Kim kept silent, still thinking of the events that happened to her all through the day.

"I thought you will spend the day resting in your house." Jim's voice couldn't hide the anger he was trying to control deep inside.

Kim looked at Jim's eyes. How did this guy know we went out?

"Kim, you better tell the truth. I don't want to play games with you." Jim's words were serious. "Where did you and your maid spent the day?"

Kim had no more option but to tell the truth. "I went to a healer and at the same time a seer and a medium. I asked about spirits of the dead staying around to bring messages to the living."

The spirit of Von popped up in his mind. He must be bothering Kim. "There are no ghosts, Kim. And Von will never comeback. You should forget him. He is just a thing of the past and I am your present and your future." The irritation and anger finally surfaced in Jim's face and voice.

"I'm sorry, Jim, but my mind is muddled and couldn't think right." She put her arms around him. "I'm sorry, Jim," she repeated.

You will really be sorry, Kim. Just wait for what I will do, Jim's thoughts have assertions.

Jim removed Kim's hands around him. "I'm sorry Kim, I have to go. I forgot to tell you that I still have to meet a business partner." It was an alibi. "I must not be late for the appointment." Jim planted a kiss on Kim's lips before leaving.

As Jim entered his car, he phoned an associate...his associate in crime. "Get two of your companions and go to the cemetery. This is what you will do..."

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