Lonely Days & Sleepless Nights

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Grayson threw his Jeep in gear as he climbed Darren's neighborhood drive, looking to his right at the whole of Western North Carolina opening up for him to see. The Blue Ridge Parkway curved like a snake through the mountains, and you could make out the observation deck of Mt. Mitchell. The mountain Darren lived on was about the same height, a little smaller. But who cares about scenery???

The drive from Woodfin took only 6 minutes, and in no time he pulled up beside Darren's dad's Bentley. 633 Altamont View.

The place was gorgeous, and Grayson couldn't help but feel a little envious of his friend. His dad had moved here in 2015 from living with Queen Elizabeth in England. Since the prince and Darren's dad were cousins, he was of course automatically rich. You know, naturally.

However, the two men got in a dispute, and Darren's dad moved into this place and met Darren's mom, who was a housekeeper at the place. They got married, and Darren and his mom moved in. Darren's mom, Sarah, ran down the walkway to meet him.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here!! Darren's locked himself up in the tower." The woman hustled him into the mudroom, where he slid out of his Vans and walked into the gathering area.

"While you're here, would you like anything to drink or snack on?" Her Hispanic accent made itself known about halfway through the sentence; and she blushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry about that, my foster mother lived in Mexico. Anyway, we have Coke, Pepsi, Sprite... will your parents be mad if I offered wine?"

"I'm good."

"Good. that was a test."

Just then, Darren's dad, William, sauntered into the living space from his study, a smirk spread across his face.

"Sarah, you're not a maid anymore. He can get something if he wants it." He turned to face Grayson.

"As for you, young man, I suggest you talk to that little (bleep) up there and then leave as soon as possible. You're not wanted here."

"The little..." Muttered Sarah, wiping her hands on a towel and walking into the kitchen.

* * *

"Well, how fitting. Our little princess locked in the tallest tower." Grayson spoke through the screened window while he stood on the porch, mostly because Darren had locked all the doors to the tower and was curled up on a sofa, tail covering his head.

"Oh, shut up..." Darren mumbled, blushing embarrassed through his grey and white fur. He sat up and let Grayson in through the Sliding glass door then locked it back behind him.

"What do you want?"

"Dude, you can't stay up here forever. It's been two weeks!! Now I don't know how exactly this is affecting you, but whatever specific is wrong, you need to get rid of it now. Remember Holly?" (Holly committed suicide when Koda broke up with her.)

Darren tensed up when he heard that name.

"Get out."

"Dude, what'd I do? Talk to me."

"I said GET OUT!!" Darren snarled, picking up a bar stool and throwing it at Grayson. He missed, causing Grayson to jump sideways into a Wine Cabinet and the chair to tear through the window screen, flying over the porch and tumbling down the mountain where it barely missed a minivan coming up the neighborhood drive. Darren immediately snapped out of his anger and looked down at his paws (hands or paws?), then to the window, then to Grayson. Tears filled his eyes as he frantically apologized to his friend, then ran outside, clambering into his BMW and driving as far away from his anger as possible.

Grayson hopped into his Jeep, determined to help his friend no matter the cost, when Darren's mom stopped him, running out onto the porch and down the walkway to stop him.

"Señor, wait!! Let him go."

"What do you mean, let him go? And why have you not talked to him!?" He stepped out of his Jeep anyway, though; he could be missing a piece of information she had. But he needed to remain on guard, anyway. This woman had a criminal record, and he didn't want to know what would happen if he accidentally set her off, too. Anger obviously ran in the family.

The woman sighed, suddenly looking older than usual.

"Come on inside. I'll make coffee, and you can hear the whole truth about him."

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