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Darren awoke at a rest stop in Maryland, wiping sleep out of his eyes as he unbuckled his seatbelt and made his way over to the coffee vending machine. A nagging feeling followed him, though, as he remembered grimly what this scene in his life was about. He knew he'd be helpless to do anything, but he couldn't stand seeing this again. God dangit, he thought as his nightmare replayed itself before his eyes.

"I don't wanna move!!!" Shrieked Dianne, running out into the parking lot.

"But we have to," William replied, picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder. "Daddy has a job to do."

Hmm, I wonder what that is... Current Darren remarked.

Past Darren jogged over to them and took Dianne from William's arms. "Shh. It'll be fine. Bubby's here for you." He cradled the precious little bundle in his arms as William stalked around the sidewalk, muttering to himself.

Suddenly his face darkened. "Take her over to the van and do whatever you need to do. I'll deal with her; we can't have a fussy child, now can we??" He laughed nervously and walked over to the trunk of the Bentley.

Darren lay little Dianne, the one he'd raised since his mother had a seizure, in the backseat of the Chrysler and waited on his mother's boyfriend, the one he adored and trusted more than anyone else besides his mother herself, to come back over to where they sat.

William showed up with a knife and a moving blanket, one thing in each hand, and clambered in next to them and shut the door. "Darren, put this over her mouth to keep her from alerting anyone. And so help me God, if you or your mother ever talk about what we're about to do, you'll be next."

Darren didn't know what to do, and he sure as help didn't want to die, so he did as he was told and let the evil man stab his little sister repeatedly, crying silently as he realized he was helping in this brutal murder. Her blood soaked through his Attack on Titan hoodie and stained the cloth interior of the car, her screams muffled by the blanket in his hands and eventually silenced by the 2-inch blade sticking out of her chest.

Darren fell against the sliding door, unable to process what he'd just done. He had just killed his little sister. He let that revelation wash over him and plunge him into a dark despair. He'd never forgive himself for this.


Gregor McEwan sat silently in the waiting room, anxious and nervous of what was to come. He knew Luca would push through, but what would she think of him after this. He had put everything on the line just to have it ignored. Why was he so dumb? It seemed everyone around him can find love for even small bits of time, they all had their relationships and romance. He stuck out from the others in that way. He just thought it's gonna stay this way. Grayson, who could slightly see the pain in his friend's eyes. "Hey." He said. "Let's put on some music." He said putting the earbud as Grayson hit shuffle. Unfortunately, the song that played was not one that helped the case as Bon Jovi sang. "Shot through the heart, and you're too late, darling you give love... A bad name."

Just then, as if to save Gregor from Grayson's terrible singing, a nurse stepped out into the hall and called him into Luca's room. "She's still asleep, so please be quiet." She glared at Grayson before stepping aside to let them in.

Luca seemed to have tubes poking out all over her body, and she snored slightly in her sleep before waking abruptly and looking straight into their eyes. "You aren't welcome here..." She said before coughing up a black ooze and falling back on the bed, eyes rolled back into her skull.

"Nope!!" Grayson yelped, turning quickly and sprinting out of the room.

"Get back here!" Gregor said, grabbing Grayson's jacket and yanking him back into the room. "We have to take care of her. I couldn't bear to leave her now, after all she's been through. She needs us."

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