Back From The Edge

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William Westinghouse crept silently through the graveyard, locating the grave of Aimee Bukhari. He quickly and silently dug out the sparse grass and dirt covering her casket, and lifted her back up into the world. He pried open the casket with a crowbar and picked her rusting (I thought it was a robot arc, not a resurrection.) body up, arranging it in a praying position on the ground. He hummed a melodic tune in some unknown language, slowly dancing around her in a circle. "C'mon, work..."

Suddenly, a glowing red light appeared around her, coming out of the ground. Fire and sparks shot up from the meadow grass and consumed the casket and the grass surrounding it, and the girl's eyes flew open wildly, jittering around confusingly before the fire glowed in her eyes as well. "Greetings, master William."

"Yes, greetings," The man replied, the fire dying down around him. "You know what you have to do."

"Yes, master." She stood up slowly, powering up as her eyes gained their original color and the rust faded away.


Darren woke up to see Evelyn passed out at his feet, he looked up to see a nurse in the room.

"Excuse me, Darren, is it?" She asked.

"Yeah..." he replied, wondering why anyone would want to see him at 6:30 in the morning. "What's going on?"

"There is someone here who would like to see you." She said as she opened the door to reveal someone who he never expected to see again.

There before him stood Aimee Bukhari. "Hey there, baby. I bet you didn't expect me here, with your entire gang."

"Aimee?!?" Darren said confused.

"Don't worry honey, I'm here." She said. The two proceeded to embrace as their lips locked, as a movement was felt at the edge of the bed. Before 6:30 this morning there had been 2 people in that room together, and the same number 5 minutes later. The only difference, only one still had hope.

Gregor sat in the waiting room alone, After Aimee had came in and Grayson went to tell Luca. He was somewhat saddened. He knew Darren would go back with her. That's just who Darren was. Gregor would go back to being a shadow behind the group. A man then walked up to Gregor. He seemed nervous and excited at the sight of him, which was an unusual reaction towards someone like Gregor.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. McEwan?¨ The man asked.

"Yeah, how do you know me?" Gregor replied, scanning his face for recognition. "Who are you?" "I'm Trevor Medeves." He said. "And I know you from your Live performance at the Prince's ball." "That was Televised?" Gregor asked surprised. "All throughout Britain."

Trevor said. "Ok, I'm sorry, what do you need?" Gregor asked.

"Oh, Mr. McEwan, you are soo kind!" He said. "You see, I have an opening in a slot for a singer for my concert, since, well, the band I had, the leads Grandma died, so they're off to a funeral, I need this, so what do yah say?" He asked. Gregor was filled with excitement for a moment, but then stopped realizing his truth of what he was living through. "I don't know." Greg said. "I need to help them somehow..." "What if you do the concert, I'll pay off your friends hospital bills, what do yah say?" He asked. Gregor looked up. "Let's rock."

His Last Words (Furry fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora