No Solution

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"So... Luca's dead?" Darren stammered, tears threatening. "What do we tell Adrianna?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Gregor replied, walking quickly down the street, away from Aimee and Luca's bodies. "Darren, your dad made Aimee explode. Telling her that her girlfriend is dead is the least of my worries right now, and so it should be with you."

Darren and Evelyn picked up their pace to catch up with him, and Evelyn shivered despite the unusual heat. "Darren, he has a point. The guy obviously isn't finished with us."

"Finished with me." He growled. "I'm the one he's after."

Evelyn let out a long sigh and left Darren in his thoughts to talk to Gregor. "Well, what now?"

Gregor turned to her, and for the first time on this whole expedition she saw confusion and desperation in his blue eyes. "I don't know! I don't know anything anymore!!"


I wish i had a dad for christmas. He told me he was going to the store... i... i don't think he did :/


Koda had already gotten the text from Gregor saying he'd found Darren, but something keeped nagging him, making itself known from the back of his mind.

It all made sense now.

William was here.

The thought chilled him to the bone. He knew Darren well; he had every reason to be scared. This man was responsible for everything. Darren's... Darren-ness, Gregor's messed-up love life, The whole Aimee incident, apparently the death of Raven's and Evelyn's parents... the list goes on and on. This could not be tolerated, no matter how little his character was developed. He swore on his life he would fix this.


Evelyn sat with Darren, going through his mother's and the Prince's wills. His leg bounced uncontrollably, and tears splattered the legal papers. He wasn't taking this well. She squeezed his hand and read over his shoulder.

A Chrysler minivan, two houses, a Bentley, a Porsche... Wait. He said all that stuff was William's...

"Darren... Isn't the house and everything William's?" What is he not telling me?

Darren froze suddenly and let out a long, shaky breath. "No, it isn't. Why did your parents teach you these things?" He gave a tired laugh and turned to her. "No. You have no idea what I'm talking about right now."

"But I'd like to know," She replied, staring longingly into his eyes. There was something there; she knew it, he knew it... "Darren, please. Just tell me the truth."

Darren flinched away from her for a second, then seemed to make up his mind, standing up and closing the door to the small office room they sat in. "I solemnly swear to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth..." He joked, clearly knowing things were going to get deep really quick. "No, but seriously. Please don't freak out about some of this stuff, okay?"


Darren was actually born in Marion, North Carolina, to Domingo and Sarah Rivera. Darren was born with a rare genetic abnormality that, once again, turned him into, basically, a furry. Domingo went through his abuse cycle, divorce, blah blah blah. Dianne, Darren's little sister, was also born in Marion, to Domingo, shortly after their divorce. She was diagnosed with severe Autism shortly after birth, and she only trusted Darren to take care of her.

Together, they moved in with Sarah's adopted family in Cape Vincent, New York, to get back on their feet and help out with the family farming business. Darren started online school, fearing that kids up there wouldn't like him because of the way he looked. Sarah had her seizure, and then that fateful night happened.


Sarah Rivera drove slowly through the off-season snowstorm, trying to make it back home before the drifts of white powder got to be too much to handle for her beat-up Chrysler. She'd been cleaning a house in nearby Three-Mile Bay, and she had promised Darren she'd be back by dinner to help him with a math 1 course.

Suddenly, a man clothed in black dashed out into the street in front of her car. "Stop!!" He yelled, a hint of desperation in his voice.

So she stopped. He walked over to her window and, taking off his hood to reveal his face, asked for a ride and a place to stay. "Please. I have nowhere to go." Well, there's nothing like summer in the city. Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty...

His name was William Westinghouse.


William was of course wanted for treason in England, and for murder in both England (Evelyn's and Raven's parents) and, now, in New York, where he killed a police officer to get away. Now the disgraced prince lived with the disgraced family. How fitting.

William, from the second he arrived at the Rivera's house, made it his mission to please everyone to the point where they treated him like family. He secretly opened a bank account in Sarah's name to transfer his money into, then would go out and drive around in his newly bought Bentley and say he was at his job. He eventually became Sarah's boyfriend, and he transferred all the money from the fake account into hers as if it was in his own account all along.

From the start, Darren fell hard for the stranger, and he began to actually enjoy childhood, although the two occasionally argued over who made decisions, since Darren had been doing so for almost a full year and a half.

But then the police discovered William's little hiding place, and he made them move. None of them took it very lightly, but with Sarah's blindness to his treachery, they accepted his decision and began packing to head to the city of Asheville, North Carolina. Who would find a guy like William in a town overrun with drunken hippies?

But little Dianne, in her usual autistic friendliness, began telling people where they were planning on moving everywhere she went. This put William's nerves on end to the point where he stopped going out until they made the move.

Then it happened.

Dianne had been throwing a fit since the moment they left, and no one but Darren could calm her. She wanted to go home, not to this magical place called New Home. And William didn't want that, now, did he?

So he had an idea. The little brat had been nothing but trouble, constantly putting his escape plan in jeopardy, and her whining gave him a headache. So he had Darren come over, and he got rid of both Dianne and Darren's rebellious attitude. Two birds with one stone.

He had tried to get rid of Darren as well, but he thought against it. Maybe the little bic pen would come in handy one day.

This left Darren very emo and insecure with everyone and everything, and his insecurities mounted as he entered his first day of public high school. That is, until he met his friends, and that's what ended up leading him here.


"Your friends are weird..." Evelyn began, not knowing what to say. This was bad.

"I like how I just poured my life's story out, and that's all you say..."

"No, I was just... Listen, Linda."

"Oh, so I'm Lin-Manuel Miranda now? I've always felt more like an Aaron Burr..."

"I was trying to say... there's nothing really to say. How are you even supposed to respond to... that? Ahm, sorry your life sucks, hope you feel better soon?"

Darren wrapped her in a tight hug just then, drawing in her scent. "I know what you meant. Can we just... I don't know, forget that conversation ever happened?"

Evelyn hung her head in submission. "I guess."



Alright, so that's all I wrote in that one!! It sucks, right? I'd like to think I got at least somewhat better since then, but oh well :P

If you've made it all the way, gods bless your soul! 0_0 That's actually an accomplishment!

Check out my old friend @Pokemaster03, who had a part in this both as a writer and a character (Gregor.) He's got some great content :3

k bye

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