Chapter I Give Up?? (wot. -Oak)

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Elaina walked slowly through the wood, running her hand along the ancient Oaks, the mighty Pines, and the majestic Spruces. She couldn't get her cute little pup Darren out of her mind, and since she already knew he didn't love her back in that way she couldn't understand why she kept thinking about the two of them together.

She came upon a clearing with a small bench in the middle, and she gratefully sat down. She needed to distract herself, and the only way she knew was to get a suckerpunch from the past. She picked up her phone and dialed the number she hated.

"Hello, there. I was wondering if I could speak to Mrs. Stevenson? Yes, my mom. Is she allowed out of her cell at the moment?" Her voice wavered a little at the end. The only time she'd actually been able to see her mother anymore was when she was behind bars; It wasn't fair that she was punished for something she didn't do. There was a bit of background noise in the phone and then she heard the wonderful voice of her mother.

"Hey, sweety. How are things at home? The prison guard may let me come for a visit soon." The words brought tears to Elaina's eyes.


"What's wrong?"

"I'm... I'm not at home, mom. Mr. Westinghouse is watching Carson for a little and somehow I ended up in England. I know it sounds crazy but-"

"Laney, honey. Why the heck are you in England?" There was an exasperated sigh from the other end, and she facepalmed, remembering she hadn't told her mom about... Darren. Why did everything lead back to him?

"Uhh... Girl's night? Listen mom, I gotta go."

"APAPAPAPAP!! Young lady, what are you really doing?"

"Okay... this may be hard to believe but Mr. Westinghouse is trying to kill my friend Darren and his mom, and they escaped to Prince Harry's estate and I somehow ended up here with them." She crossed her fingers, hoping her mom would believe the truth this time.


"Mommy!! You have to believe me!!" By now she was yelling into the phone, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You have to, because no one else will!!"

Her mom let out a small chuckle. "Okay, okay. I believe you, my little psychopath. But if Carson is at the killer's house..."

Elaina gasped in realization. What would that evil man do to her brother? "Crshhh Crshh, sorry mom, losing connection... Crshh Crshh... gotta go."


"Bye mom!!"


Koda approached Darren warily, pretending to simply be grabbing a book off of the library bookshelf. He tiptoed slowly towards the desk where he sat reading, making sure not to disturb his friend.

But his efforts were in vain. "What the heck do you want?" Darren snarled, standing up but still facing the back wall. "I know it's you, Koda. Go away unless you have something to say that's actually worth my time."

"Darren... I get that there's something going on with you, and we were all wrong to push you into telling us. But there comes to a point where you're gonna need your friends to be there for you, and pushing them away is the worst idea you could possibly think of in a time like this. I've been watching how you've been reacting to things recently, and I'm getting worried about your own safety. You really need-"

Darren clenched his fists to his side and let out a sigh. "What I need is some God-dang solitude, which I obviously can't get here. Now will you leave? Please?"

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