The Plot Thickens

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"Guys, this is Raven, Evelyn's sister."

"Who's Evelyn again?" Asked Koda, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Bruh..." Muttered Luca, necking him. "She's the one that's been hanging with us since yesterday, the one Darren's been tripping over the whole time she was here?" Both Darren and Evelyn blushed at this and scooted the chairs they were sitting in farther away from each other.

"Oh come on!!" Yelled everyone in unison. "Why won't you two date?"

Darren's face was redder than a tomato as he stood up. "If you would please excuse me, I need to grab a snack. I've been at the beach all day; I need some meat."

"Not until you two are hooked up!!" Grayson stated, grabbing Darren by the arm and dragging him back into the room and sitting him back down next to the lucky other. "C'mon, it's just like the Bachelor. Just say yes or no."

"B-but the Bachelor dies, according to Panic! At The Disco..." Darren whimpered, mentally slapping himself. Why was he throwing away his best chance at being with her? "I-I can't. It's been too soon since..." And with that, our little Romeo fled from the room.


"You're not getting out of this, Raven. There's someone here you may end up being very close to."

"Not in that sense, I suppose..." Raven muttered, closing her book and letting herself be dragged to her feet. "Fine, let's get this over with." She walked to the front of the room and stood there, arms crossed. "Introduce yourself!" Evelyn whispered. Raven gave her an 'OK how's this?' look, and announced. "Hello. My name is Raven. I have no interest in doing this and the only reason I am is that my sister brought me coffee. I hope you all feel flattered." And with that, she walked back, sat down, and started (you guessed it), reading. "Sorry." Evelyn said. "I'll be right back, I'll talk with my sister." She said as she drug Raven out for a pep talk leaving Luca, Adrianna, Eliana and Koda in the room. "Guys." Grayson said barging in. "What?" Luca asked. "The Prince is having a ball of some kind. Anyway, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked. "That you really need to learn to knock." Koda said sarcastically. "No, That it's the perfect chance to get those two together." Grayson said. "You're very adamant about that ship, aren't you?" Koda asked. "Yes." Grayson replied. "I guess we'll go to this too." Adrianna said. "Wait..." Luca said. "Yes, Luca." Luca silently celebrated as Grayson continued to spread the news.


Gregor was on his laptop in the room. What started as an investigation turned into him playing various versions of 2048, (True Story -Pokemaster03)

He heard Grayson talking about how Evelyn was here again, but he just wasn't up to it. "I'll pass on meeting the bride to be." He said to Grayson earlier. "C'mon." Luca replied. "Look, guys, I know this probably means a lot, but we've got bigger things coming, I just feel it."

Grayson then walked in. "Hey." "Shut up, I have a 1024 on the board." Gregor replied. "I thought you were working on 'a serious investigation'?" "Eh, just didn't feel it anymore." He said. "Why did you decide to talk to me? You got like 4 other people down there you probably like more." It was true. In all honesty, Gregor felt excluded sometimes. "Just came to say there's some sort of ball thing tonight and I thought you may want to go, it's a pretty big event." "Why would I want to do that?" Gregor asked. "Well, I thought, you've been down, so I figured what better way than a party?" Grayson asked. "This is a plot, I know you, but fine, but, we're on Birthday Clown Rules." Gregor said. "Birthday Clown Rues?" Grayson asked. "You're gonna pay me, I'm only gonna be there about an hour and I'm probably gonna regret my life decisions while there." "Well." Grayson replied. "I'll go, but I'm not wearing a suit." He said. "Now get out, you made me lose."


Darren sat in the shower with a bowl of Ice Cream, drowning out his sorrows in sugar and dairy. Regardless of how far he ran away from his troubles, they always came back to him in the worst ways. Just because Aimee was a little bench (lol) didn't mean he didn't still love her, and the fact that she was gone broke his heart. You can't move on while still clinging to what you've lost.

There was a soft knock on the bathroom door. Knockknockknock. "Darren?" Knockknockknock. "Darren..." Knockknockknock. "Darren!"

"What?" Darren muttered, sulking.

Grayson opened the door and walked into the steamy room, shivering as his bare feet led him across the stone floor. He paused momentarily before sitting down on the edge of the toilet-"Bro, this is a Gucci!!"-and rested his elbows on his knees, covering his face with his hands. "Dude. What the heck is your problem?"

"I-I don't know!!" Darren wailed, throwing the tub of Ice Cream at the glass door separating the two of them. The Cookie Dough flavoured sugary goodness flew up over the glass door, over Grayson's head, and into the Hot Tub.

"And that was for...?"

"Still don't know..." Darren whispered, throwing his head back into the stream of hot water that ran down from the shower head. "I don't know..." The tears that came thereafter blended with the water and stung his face as they ran slowly down, soaking him in his own sorrow and doubt.

"Darren, you sad strange little pup..." Grayson soothed, reaching into the shower and cutting off the water. "Look. I don't know this Evelyn very well, but I know deep down she can't wait on you to get over Aimee forever. This is your chance to move on with your life, to start a new chapter. Turn a new leaf. You know what, screw the metaphors. Your uncle is throwing a ball for us tonight; I think you know what's gonna go down." And with that, he left the room so Darren could think.


Elaina sat forlorn in a pine tree, picking absently at the peeling bark. She'd waited so long for Darren to like her, but now she knew it just wasn't going to happen. His heart was for another.

The thought killed her inside, literally tore her soul apart until there was nothing left for her to feel. The pain of her broken heart followed her around as she went about her tasks, lingered in the morning fog she'd grown to enjoy walking in, tainted her appetite, made her feel hollower than that one chocolate bunny she made the mistake of buying last easter. It would take a miracle to become herself again after how much that... that thing had put her through. She couldn't bear to think of his name for fear it alone would tip her over the edge of sanity. There was something about him that made her suddenly want to scream. Maybe...

"I'm going back home."

The statement quickly hushed everyone gathered in the dining room, instantly making her nervous from all the attention.

Adrianna nodded in understanding. She'd been the only one she trusted with her little secret, but she knew now was the time for the truth to set her free.

"Darren." She fixated her eyes on him, fighting back tears and screams of anger as she finally spoke his name once more. Darren looked startled when she said his name, and his eyes briefly flashed in surprise. "Y-yes?"

"Please don't take this personally, okay?" She was beginning to panic. "I-I've liked you since the moment you walked through the high school doors, but I'm not stupid. I'm not the one for you; she is." She nodded solemnly at Evelyn before continuing. "1t has been an honor to be a friend to you, but I believe now is the time for me to move on in my life. Goodbye, everyone." She turned and left the room then, leaving a trail of tears on the lush carpet floor.

"Wait!!" Yelped Luca, grabbing her by the arm. "Can you at least stay for the rest of tonight? Please?" She pouted her bottom lip and bugged out her eyes, for once not looking at least somewhat intimidating.

Elaina looked torn for a moment before replying. "I will stay. But the next plane that flies out, I will be on." And with that, she left them all in a stunned silence.

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