Revelations and Siblings

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"Hey uncle Harry, do you have a car I could borrow for the day?"

"Sure, kiddo," Replied the prince, preoccupied in getting his son dressed. "There's a Subaru Outback parked at the gardener's cottage, the keys should be hanging on the third hook of the key hanger thingy. You two have fun."

"Thanks!!" Called Darren, grabbing Evelyn by the hand and racing down the hallway. "C'mon, we have surfboards in the basement."

"Can we grab breakfast first?" Asked Evelyn as they arrived at the surfboards and she was finally able to shake his grasp. He's so cute when he's happy, she thought with a slight blush. "I'm getting a little hungry."

"Okay. I know a really good coffee shop downto-"

"You mean Lorenzo's?"

"Yes!!" Darren jumped for joy at her response. She knew him so well; it was like they'd known each other their whole lives.


Darren followed Evelyn's instructions to her house. She needed to get her bathing suit, and he was happy to find out where such a beautiful and amazing woman could come from. The place was an older stone structure downtown, quaintly called Stony Hill Estates. He parked in the spot she told him to, and together they walked into the building, up the stairs, and to the door to her apartment.

Evelyn knocked loudly on the door, calling out a person named 'Raven.' Darren wondered who that could be, maybe a roommate or something.

From inside, someone threw something across the room, then he could hear footsteps approaching the door. "Evelyn I swear. If you get locked out again I'll claw your eyes out." The person opened the door right into Evelyn's foot/paw.

"This is awkward..." Muttered Evelyn, doubled over in pain. "Darren, this is my older sister, Raven."

Darren stood there for a minute, completely dumbstruck at the amount of physical and verbal abuse he'd just witnessed. The person standing in front of them had black hair that certainly looked wolf-like, and her eyes almost had an animal-like quality to them. They were slanted and really bright green. He admired the saltiness of this woman, however he didn't feel like dying yet so he decided it would be best to avoid her as much as possible.

"Hey there, my name's..."

"Darren, I know. Eve-" She was cut off as Evelyn covered Raven's mouth with her paw. Raven instinctively bit down, hard, and Evelyn yelped and jumped backwards into Darren.

"Never. Do. That. As I was saying, I haven't had my coffee yet, so get out as soon as humanly... or in your guy's case, furrily, possible." She stepped aside to let them in, and Evelyn rushed Darren into her room.

"What sort of living help do you live in!?" Darren exclaimed once she closed the door behind them. "Is your paw okay?" And your sister has pointed teeth, he thought about adding.

"It'll be fine. She never means things like that, at least I don't think. She's just salty as a person, and her annoying little sister living with her is bad enough as it is."

"You've got that right," Exclaimed Raven from the living room.

"If you say so..." Darren muttered, sitting down on Evelyn's bed. "Why do you have a picture of me on your wall? I know you were following us but still-"

"Nothing!!" She yelped, ripping the picture off the wall and tucking it into a dresser drawer. "I just like to... familiarize myself with my subjects, that's all."

"Mhmm, sure." Raven laughed from the living room. "For once I'm enjoying your guy's company!!"

"Oh for pete's sake, Raven!! Go read a book or something!!" Evelyn screamed, finally finding her bathing suit. "Darren, stay here while I go change."

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