Tower of Mistakes

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Gregor sat down at the edge of the sinkhole in the road, letting the rain wash his sorrows into its dark depths. He'd failed everyone he cared for. Why couldn't he just... just get something right for once? Luca was dead, Darren had fled, all his friends scorned him... the only thing he'd been right about all along was Aimee.


She caused all of this

It was her that had done all of this.

Driving everyone apart.


That wasn't it.

Aimee was a puppet in this game

Actually, Darren's stepfather had. He was the one who drove everyone apart, the one who was constantly abusing his best friend, the one who killed Luca, the one who fooled Darren into believing such an obvious lie, the one who drove them all into the backstreets of a sketchy London suburb, the one who killed the Prince and Darren's mom, the one who blew up a rental car that Gregor was going to have to pay for... He had caused all of this. Not Gregor, not Darren, not Aimee... William.

He had to find Darren now. He wouldn't let William succeed in destroying them.

Gregor stood up slowly and let out a shaky breath. THe night seemed to swallow everything, but in the distance he could see a brownstone apartment complex. Better start there than nowhere.

"I promise." He said.

"I won't fail again." He clenched his fists. "No matter the cost."


"When we asked how the news affected him, he fled the scene. He has since been reported missing. If anyone has information on his whereabouts, please call..."

Elaina dropped her spoon into her tub of Ice Cream and immediately reached for her phone. Sure, she was upset he rejected her, but that didn't mean she would just turn her back on her friend. She had to find out where he was.

But he never answered, and all she heard was his smooth-as-milk voice on the voicemail machine. She tried calling again, but to no avail.

So she left a message. "Hey Darren, it's Elaina. I was just calling to let you know I'm still here for you, even if 'here for you' ends up being from my couch, eating ice cream and listening to depressing nightcore music. And please tell me where the heck you are. I won't turn you in if you don't want me to, I just want to make sure you're okay." She ended the recording and went back to being Depresso Espresso.


Grayson was confused.

Dude today is like emo hits day on pandora holy crap 0_0 (newb, you're supposed to use Spotify -Oak)


Evelyn ran alongside Darren, searching the streets for Gregor. They had seen the explosion from a distance, and although she had to admit it looked cool she was genuinely worried for the guy. Deep down, they both knew they had to get there as quickly as possible.

"Take a left," She gasped, sprinting to the beat of her tired heartbeat. Her Chaco sandals dug into her feet and her tank top flapped in the warm June breeze, exposing her belly button piercing.

Darren slowed for her after running ahead a few paces and let out a small chuckle. "I like it."

Evelyn laughed and shoved him to the side, then took off into the stormy night. "Well, how'd you enjoy that?"

As Darren chased after her, she quickly whipped right into a little alleyway between two brownstone apartments. Darren kept running on by, calling out her name, and she let out a small sigh and turned around.

She ran smack into Gregor.

"Dude!! What are you doing? Why didn't you call or text or-"

Gregor cupped his hand over her mouth quickly, and, looking around frightenedly, pulled her back out onto the avenue where Darren still searched for her. "Shhh. We need to get out of here. Now. Go get Darren." And with that, he pushed her back out into the road and into Darren's arms.


William arrived at the location and immediately his task was not yet finished. "Thomas," He bellowed. "Grab the girl. We have work to do."

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