If We're Honest

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"Today we have with us Darren Westinghouse of Asheville, North Carolina. Before we start the interview, I'd like to give my sympathies on behalf of the whole country on the death of your parents."

Darren interrupted the reporter with a shake of his head. "No, only my mother. William was never a father to me."

The reporter smiled ever so slightly before continuing. "Yes, I understand. Here at BBC we try our best to get the most factual information on the story, and we apologize if any information given in this interview is used incorrectly or unjustly. So, to start off, how does all of this affect you?"

Darren sat up as straight as he could on the hospital bed and began to fidget with his newfound Prosthetic leg. "Well... I've gone through a lot recently, it's all just soo overwhelming, it's nice to have a break." He said. "So, what will you do now, with this turn of events?" the reported asked. Darren paused. He was now fully realizing the full gravity of everything, his family was dead and he had ruined his friends lives, he was a liability to them, by him being with them, he was putting them in danger. He looked off in the distance and bolted. "Sir." The reporter called. "Sir!" "Darren!" Evelyn yelled after him. His prosthetic leg let him go surprisingly fast for a piece of metal. He bolted off into the shadow.


"So, here's the plan." Gregor said. "Evelyn, Koda, Grayson, Adrianna, You three need to hunt down Darren, Me and Luca will find us a place." "Why is it just you and me going alone?" Luca asked. "Because, we need as many people looking for Darren as we can, you're still injured and I'm the only one who get through the wiring on this thing" He gestured towards the robotic exterior of Aimee. "He's got a point Lu." Adrianna said. "Fine." Luca said.

"Alright team, let's move."


Darren wandered the cold dark streets of London. It had begun to rain, and puddles formed in the dark brick alleyways he roamed. Before long, his clothes were soaked and he sat down on someone's front steps, put his face in his hands, and finally let all his tears flow.

Just then, Evelyn approached him in her rental car and ran to embrace him. "Darren! Darren, please. What's going on?" She faltered on the last sentence and began to cry alongside him, burying her face into his soaked hoodie. "We need to be honest with each other..."

"I know," He replied, sullen and shaken. "But I also know that if I am, I can hurt you. Please, just stop." He looked deep into her eyes, pleading she would back away.

"Darren." The one word hardened her expression, and she knew there was no backing out of what she was about to say. "We both know that's not going to happen. And don't act like you're the only one here with problems. I believe we've had this conversation before." She was standing up now, her shadow cast over Darren's slumping form. "Love doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes and it takes; but we keep loving anyway! We laugh and we cry and and we break and we make our mistakes... Remember that song? It doesn't matter whether you want me here or not, because I'm not leaving you anytime soon. Life does all sorts of sheet that you can cry about the rest of your days, but that won't change what's already happened, and it shouldn't change your future." Her voice shook as she continued. "Darren, you want to know why your father is on the run, and why I found you in the first place?" The tears came again, and she faltered. "He killed my parents. They were his personal bodygaurds, and he killed them to cover up his plans of becoming king. You think something like that eats me up every day? You think every time I look at you I think of them? And yet you have the nerve to say I shouldn't be involved in this? I want him out of my head as much as you do, okay? So don't tell me to take the backseat on this, because God-dangit, I'll do whatever the heck I want and you can't stop me." And with that, she fell to her knees, letting all her pain flow through her and out of her into the stormy night.


The backroads were a familiar place for Gregor, he'd grown up in an area like such, so driving around the alleyways looking for Darren and Evelyn felt like driving home after band practice. What was bothering him was Luca. She hadn't spoken to him the entire ride.

"So, rough weather we've been having, eh?" He said trying to start a conversation.

"I don't want to hear it." She replied, her voice filled with scorn.

"What did I do wrong?" He asked in reply. "You know what you did, you turned your concert into Bashing Aimee!" She said. "She's an android, I saved us." Greg shot back. "You still should have given her a chance." Luca said. "To what?" Gregor asked. "Kill us all? Luca, I'm doing this to protect you guys." Greg said gripping the wheel tightly. "I don't need you to protect me." She replied. "I care about you Luca." Gregor said. "I don't care Greg, you know we are never gonna happen, I'm ...." Luca starts as Gregor cuts her off. "Yes, lesbian, I know." "Greg, stop that, you know that I can't just make myself like you, that's not how love works." Luca said. "You need to accept, we, are never gonna happen." Gregors grip on the steering wheel got tighter. "I can't turn off how I feel Luca, I couldn't turn off my resentment to Aimee and I can't turn off how I feel about you." he said. "Drop it Greg, Aimee is gone." Luca said. "Oh, so you can use it against mec but when I mention it it's wrong" Greg said. "Greg, that was a long time ago." "Yeah but you never asked how I felt, I still have the scars." He said. "You want to act like it never happened because for once Luca, you were wrong." Gregor said. "That's it, until you get over this we aren't speaking"

Luca said. "So nothing's changed, I'm being rejected for things beyond my control."


"Sir." A worker said as William walked up behind him. "Unit A1M33 went down." "Turn on the camera." William replied. It showed Luca and Gregor in the car. "The target is not in range." "Detonate it, set an example to him, we mean business." William said as the worker pressed the button.


Aimee's eyes started to glow as the husk started to heat up. A beeping started as it got faster. Watch out." He said undoing the seat belt as he jumps back as Aimee exploded as the car split in half as the blast sent Greg back. As he stumbled to get up the unstable ground below him gave in. He grabbed the ledge. As he did, he saw a familiar figure fall, he reached out, barely catching Luca. She woke up as he caught her, looking up at him. "Greg?" She asked. "Don't worry, ngh, I've got this." He said, hiding the fact that he was losing grip. "Ngh." He said. His grip started to slip as he tried his best to grasp onto Luca's hand/paw. "I have to... save you." "No." Luca said. "I'm done living like this, Greg, I'm done." She said as he grabbed her sleeve . "No." He said. "I can't do this, I can't go on knowing I let this happen." He said. "You didn't let it happen, I choose this, you can't support us both for long. Let me do this for you, you've always tried to protect me, let me do the same for you" Luca said. She tore the sleeve as Greg reached back out he missed as he watched in horror as she fell down into the abyss.

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