Losing Yourself

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Honey,u left ur shoes in the tower where r u i can bring them

Darren chuckled a little when he received his mother's text. She never questioned when he left the house for a while, sometimes even doing things like this to help him get away from his step dad. It was actually pretty funny; she used to not even trust him enough to let him date, let alone spend the night somewhere else, especially when that place would most likely end up being Elaina's.

I guess meet me @ outback and we can get dinner?

He put his phone back into the cupholder and thought back to a time when he was truly happy.


Darren pulled his hood up over his black hair, hoping no one would notice him throughout his first day. His mother's old Chrysler van sat in the back corner of the high school lot, so he fast-walked past all the hippie vans and Subarus to where all the rich and popular kids parked their cars, right up front where everyone walked into school. Regardless of how much money his new father had, he did not want to end up as stuck-up as them.

The second he walked into the school, the principal whisked him aside to "talk."

"You three!! Yes, the emo kids by the lockers. Would you show this nice young man around?"

Darren looked at the three and immediately had a feeling these people would become his first friends. Screw staying hidden, there were other furries here!!

"So... What's your name?" Asked a brown-furred Junior named Grayson, slinging a Swiss Gear bag over his shoulder.

"Darren. Darren Rivera-Westinghouse."

Grayson stopped in surprise and looked him up and down. "You don't look like royalty... I thought the Westinghouse clan were all in London living it up with the queen."

"Nonono.... My mom was William Westinghouse's housekeeper and they got married. It's complicated." Darren looked down at his shoes, a brand-new pair of British flag Converse. He'd never had anything like them before, and he liked the way he looked in them.

"Ahh... Well, my name's Grayson Baker, this is Koda Moretti, and this is Elaina Stevenson." Koda nodded his head in acknowledgement, and Elaina blushed and turned to focus on something in her locker. "C'mon, you're in my homeroom."


Darren laced up his Brooks quickly, scanning the horizon to see if William had found out if either of them had left yet. He wasn't worried, it was just that the man would be mad about the window and the barstool, probably more that than his own son not feeling secure in his own home.

"Mijo, what are you staring at? I only have about an hour so we need to hurry up and eat. You know how William gets when I go somewhere without him knowing."

"Yeah, sorry madré." He stood and tousled his hair, and together they walked into the restaurant.

"You can pick the table, Darren." Sarah told him. It had been a nostalgia of Darren's for years. "Thanks mom." He picked a two -seater table by a window, and both ordered their bread.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but... what happened this time? I can tell it's bad when I see one of the barstools flying off the porch."

Darren chuckled a bit before replying.

"Yeah, sorry about that by the way. Grayson made me upset, and I lost control again. I think my biology teacher was right when he said us furries could revert back to animals at any minute." With this, he began angrily spreading butter onto a slice of pumpernickel bread.

Sarah leaned across the table and embraced her son.

"That's nonsense, and you know that as well as I do. We both know your biology teacher is estúpido, and even if he spoke truth it wouldn't change a thing about how much your friends and I love you."

Darren shrugged free of his mother's hug and clambered out of the booth, immediately triggered.

"That's just it, mom!! Who says anything will be the same? May as well just go live in the wild where I truly belong." And with that, he left the restaurant.

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